For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BOULEVARD. The portion of the public right-of-way not used for street purposes.
CLUSTER CONCEPT. Mailboxes in groups of four or more with groups no closer than 200 feet to another group, and placed at locations and configurations as approved by the City Street Superintendent and/or U.S. Post Master.
(Prior Code, § 8-5-2)
Following are allowable uses of a boulevard:
(A) Trees or shrubs as regulated by § 92.48;
(B) Mailboxes for U.S. Postal Service, provided all installations of mailboxes in new subdivisions are of the “cluster” concept;
(C) Driveway accesses as regulated by city’s zoning ordinance;
(D) Sidewalks when constructed according to specifications as set forth and approved by the City Engineer; and
(E) Advertising/newspaper boxes or tubes under the following conditions.
(1) The advertising/newspaper boxes or tubes must be of an all-purpose/universal type without any advertising, whether individual or cluster concept.
(2) (a) The following subdivisions/areas may continue to have one advertising/newspaper box per parcel until the time as the U.S. Postal Service or developer converts individual mail boxes to the “cluster” box concept:
1. East County Road 39;
2. Hart Boulevard;
3. Anders Wilhelm and Balboul Estates; and
4. West County Road 75.
(b) Upon conversion of mail boxes to the cluster concept all advertising/newspaper boxes must also be clustered.
(3) In all new subdivisions or areas where the U.S. Postal Service, developer, or owner installs cluster mail boxes, all advertising/newspaper boxes shall be allowed by the cluster concept only.
(4) All advertising/newspaper boxes, whether individual or clustered, shall be maintained by the installer and shall be repaired or replaced within ten days upon written notice by the city, or the city will have the box or boxes removed at the owner’s expense. The city shall not be responsible for damage to any box erected within the boulevard.
(5) All mailboxes including posts, supports, and clusters for U.S. Postal Service and advertising are the responsibility of the properties included in the mailbox.
(Prior Code, § 8-5-3) (Ord. 154, passed 4-13-1987; Ord. 156, passed 6-22-1987; Ord. 254, passed 8-8-1994)