   54.01   Definitions
   54.02   Dump regulations
   54.03   Incinerator; license fee
   54.04   Dumping only in permitted places
   54.05   Officer responsible
   54.06   Revocation
   54.07   Garbage/refuse/recycling services
   54.08   Compost facilities
   54.09   Ownership of recyclable materials set out for curb-side collection
   54.99   Penalty
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMPOSTABLE BAG. A paper or plastic bag that meets the American Society for Testing Materials Standard Specification for Compostable Plastics (D6400).
   ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. Any inspector or any other representative duly appointed by the City Council.
   GARBAGE. All animal and vegetable waste and all putrescible matter.
   PRIVATE DUMP. All parcels of land on which nonputrescible refuse is accepted for deposit or permitted to be deposited regardless of whether a charge is made therefor.
   RECYCLING. The process of collecting and preparing recyclable materials and reusing the materials in their original form or using them in manufacturing processes that do not cause the destruction of recyclable materials in a manner that precludes further use.
   REFUSE. All waste substances, including garbage.
   SANITARY LAND FILL. A type of operation in which refuse is deposited by plan on a specified portion of open land, is compacted by forces applied by mechanical equipment, and then is covered by a layer of earth, ashes, or suitable covering material to a depth of at least two feet.
(Prior Code, § 7-6-1)
   (A)   The following regulations shall be observed by any person to whom a permit is issued by the city for the operation of all a sanitary landfill or dump.
   (B)   These regulations shall govern the operation of all the city-approved sanitary landfills and dumps, and any failure to observe these regulations shall be sufficient grounds for the revocation of the permit by the City Council.
      (1)   All garbage and other refuse accepted by the landfill permit holder shall be thoroughly compacted by equipment of a size and weight capable of producing a downward or ground pressure of at least five pounds per square inch. The equipment shall have sufficient weight and capacity to carry out all necessary operations to the satisfaction of the enforcement officer. Sufficient auxiliary equipment shall be maintained on the site or otherwise available to permit operation in case of a breakdown.
      (2)   Mixed refuse material shall be spread out on the working face of the landfill so that the depth does not exceed a maximum depth of two feet prior to its compaction.
      (3)   The areas shall be continually policed to prevent fire and the blowing of papers, shall be neat and sanitary at all times, and shall be covered at the end of each day’s operation, as well as when wind conditions warrant it through the day, with sufficient material to prevent blowing papers and unsightly conditions. The size of the active face on which refuse is being currently deposited shall be kept to a minimum.
      (4)   Cover material will consist of earth, loam, clay, sand, or a mixture of at least 50% earth and other inert materials such as ashes, cinders, or gravel. A minimum depth of 12 inches of compacted cover and final spread cover material shall be kept on all inactive faces of the landfill at all times. The active faces of the landfills should be covered at the end of each day’s operation or as otherwise directed by the inspector.
      (5)   When the landfill or dump has been brought up to two feet below the desired finished grade, it shall be covered with at least 24 inches of compacted cover material graded and seeded in a manner as to prevent erosion.
      (6)   Where the “trench system” of sanitary landfill is used, successive paralleled trenches must be at least two feet apart.
      (7)   All garbage and refuse material existing on the site at the time the permit is issued either in the form of an open dump or any other form shall be collected, compacted, and covered with cover material at least one foot in depth if below the desired finished grade or with inert material at least two feet in depth at the finished grade. This cover operation shall be completed within 15 working days after the issuance of a special permit for the sanitary landfill.
      (8)   The permittee or operator shall erect such temporary or permanent fences or take other measures as may be necessary to reasonably control blowing of paper and other materials from the landfill or dump.
      (9)   Any material salvaged from the landfill or dump must be handled and stored in a manner as to prevent rat harborage and permit proper operation of the landfill or dump. The salvaged material must be removed to a location at least 200 feet from the working surface so as not to interfere with the compacting and covering. All salvaged material must be completely removed from the site every 24 hours unless provision is made for temporary storage within an enclosed, roofed, and rat-proof structure approved by the inspector.
      (10)   Burning of any materials deposited in a dump or landfill is expressly prohibited, except that in the case of tree limbs, wooden crates, which burn readily without smouldering or producing offensive odors, may be burned in a separate place at least 200 feet away from the area where refuse is being compacted and covered, provided precautions are taken to confine the fire and the burning is done in a manner as not to create a nuisance condition. All burning shall be restricted to the hours between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
      (11)   Adequate fire fighting equipment shall be available at all times on the site or the operator shall furnish the inspector with proof of fire fighting equipment between the operator and the local fire district.
      (12)   No fill shall be placed in stream beds or other areas where streams would be obstructed or where erosion by the stream would remove cover material. There shall be no seepage or drainage of any material from the fill of a nature as would constitute an odor nuisance or health hazard or pollute any watercourse.
      (13)   The permit holder shall provide an access road approved by the inspector that is passable in all types of weather conditions to the dumping site.
      (14)   The license holder shall also provide an auxiliary fill site available and ready for use during periods of heavy rain or snowfall and when the area being filled and covered may not be reached because of the weather condition. The permit holder shall also take precautions to eliminate excess dust in dry weather.
      (15)   Insects and rodents on the site shall be controlled and exterminated as directed by the inspector.
      (16)   The permit holder shall cease operations and close the landfill between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. and on Sundays and holidays.
      (17)   For good and sufficient reasons, the City Council may grant exceptions to the above operating procedures and standards or may impose additional requirements subject to specific site conditions.
(Prior Code, § 7-6-4)
   If a permittee wishes to install an incinerator at a dump or landfill, he or she shall apply to the City Council for permission to do so. The Council shall refer the request to the Planning Commission and engineer for recommendations as to whether an incinerator shall be permitted and, if so, what conditions, if any, shall be imposed in connection with the incinerator. After receiving the reports, the Council may grant or deny the request for the incinerator; and if the request is granted, conditions may be imposed in connection with the operation of the incinerator. If the request is granted, the annual license fee shall be increased by $25.
(Prior Code, § 7-6-5)
   No person, including those persons hauling or disposing of garbage or refuse, trash, or other rubbish for a fee, shall deposit or dispose of any garbage, trash, or other refuse on any property in the city not operated under a permit issued by the City Council. Each sanitary landfill or dump shall display a prominent sign containing the words “Approved Sanitary Landfill or Dump Operated Under Permit No.         issued by the City of Monticello”.
(Prior Code, § 7-6-6)
   The officer responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of this subchapter shall be appointed by the City Council. He or she shall provide adequate and frequent inspections of the sanitary landfill sites and to this end shall be authorized to call upon the Planning Commission for assistance in making inspections. He or she shall notify any permit holder who is violating the provisions of this subchapter of the specific manner in which the subchapter is being violated. Unless the violation is corrected within 24 hours after notice in writing to the permit holder by the inspector, the inspector shall notify the Council of any violation of the provisions of this subchapter that the Council may, after a public hearing to which the violator shall have been invited, suspend or revoke any permit for noncompliance or violation of any of the provisions of this subchapter or when satisfied that the landfill or dump constitutes a real menace and nuisance to the health, safety, and welfare of the immediate residents in the neighborhood in which it is located. In the event the permit holder refuses to correct the violation within 24 hours after notice in writing by the inspector, the inspector may, if he or she deems it necessary in the interest of public health, enter upon the premises of the dump or landfill and, either with the equipment and by employees of the license holder, or with the city-owned or leased equipment and city employees, do the work as is necessary to correct any condition violative of this subchapter, and which in his or her opinion if left uncorrected may be hazardous to the public health. The cost to the city of correcting the condition in privately owned dumps or landfills shall be assessed against the permit holder who shall be required to pay all the costs and expenses of the city in correcting the conditions.
(Prior Code, § 7-6-7)
   Any permit or license granted hereunder may be revoked or suspended at any time for any failure to pay the license fee or the cost of correcting hazardous conditions as hereinbefore set forth or whenever, in the opinion of the inspector, the continuance of the landfill or other means of final disposal of refuse would endanger the health, welfare, or safety of the public, provided that no such permit or license shall be revoked or suspended except for to pay the fee, or the cost of correcting hazardous conditions as herein provided except after public hearing before the City Council after the notice of the hearing, and the purpose thereof shall have been sent to the permit holder at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing, at which hearing any person interested in the landfill shall have the right to be heard.
(Prior Code, § 7-6-8)