The city’s IEDC shall consist of 16 to 18 regular members to be appointed by the City Council. The Committee members shall consist of city business representatives or residents of the city. Specific general membership eligibility on the IEDC shall be defined in the Organizational and Membership Guidelines. One councilmember shall be appointed annually to serve on the IEDC. The Director of the city’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall be an ex-officio member of the IEDC. Up to two Monticello High School senior students may serve as voting members during their appointed term. The High School Principal shall recommend their membership on the IEDC. The IEDC and the City Council shall confirm their appointment.
(Prior Code, § 2-10-3) (Ord. 637, passed 4-25-2016; Ord. 715, passed 3-25-2019; Ord. 782, passed 8-8- 22022)
It is the City Council’s intention to encourage IEDC members to attend all IEDC meetings. It is desired that IEDC members attend at least 75% of meetings in a calendar year. Members may be subject to replacement by the Council in the event attendance does not meet this standard.
(Prior Code, § 2-10-5)