(A) All city-owned properties operated as public parks (“parks”) shall be open for public use between the hours of 5:01 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., daily (“open hours”), unless said open hours are temporarily modified per the direction of the City Council, the Superintendent of City Services, or the City Recreation Director, in which case notice of said modified hours will be conspicuously posted at affected parks or portions thereof or communicated by city personnel on site.
(B) All parks shall be closed for public use between the hours of 10:01 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., daily, and whenever open hours are modified as provided in division (A) (collectively “closed hours”).
(C) No person may enter, be upon, or in any manner use a park or portion thereof during closed hours in accordance with divisions (A) and (B), or if entry upon or use of a park or portion thereof is otherwise prohibited by a fence or other barricade, or per the direction of city police or staff on site.
(D) Any person in violation of this section shall be considered a trespasser, and shall be cited, arrested, and prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted under this code of ordinances and the laws of the State of Illinois.
(Ord. 2012-27, passed 7-9-2012) Penalty, see § 10.99