(A)   Generally.
      (1)   Whenever in this code or in any ordinance of the city, any act is prohibited, or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense, or whenever in this code or any ordinance, the doing of any act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful where no specific penalty is provided therefor, the minimum for the violation shall be $100 and the maximum fine shall be $750.
      (2)   Each day any violation of any provision of this code or any ordinance continues shall constitute a separate offense, and a separate fine shall be assessed for each day, or part thereof, that the violation continues.
   (B)   (1)   Payment of minimum fines. Any person who is issued a notice to appear in court for a violation of this code, or any ordinance, may pay the minimum fine specified in the code or ordinance for such violation, or if no minimum fine is specified, the sum of $100, at the Police Department, provided that person is cited for only a single violation and has not been fined, or entered into a settlement agreement with the city, for the same violation within the preceding 12 months.
      (2)   Repeat offenders. Any person who is issued a notice to appear for more than 1 offense (including continuing violations) and any person who has been fined or entered into a settlement agreement with the city as a result of charges brought by the city for the violation of the same code or ordinance provision within 12 months of being cited for current violation, and any person who has not paid the minimum fine at the Police Department must appear in court on the date stated in the notice to appear and cannot have the charges against the offender dismissed by paying a fine at the Police Department, unless otherwise agreed by the City Attorney.
      (3)   Multiple violations by 1 act. In all cases where the same offense is made punishable or is created by different divisions of this code, the prosecuting officer may elect under which to proceed, but not more than 1 recovery shall be had against the same person for the same offense; provided that the revocation of a license or permit shall not be considered a recovery or penalty so as to bar any other penalty being enforced.
(Am. Ord. 2012-42, passed 12-10-2012; Am. Ord. 2014-41, passed 10-14-2014; Am. Ord. 2024-17, passed 3-11-2024)
Statutory reference:
   Authority to imprison for certain ordinance violations, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 1-2-1.1
   Limitations on penalties, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 1-2-1