(A)   Prohibited and exempt fires. No person without a permit shall kindle, ignite, set, start, or maintain fires of any matter on pavement of any public road or street in the municipality, within any house or other structures within the municipality, or in or upon any other matter within the municipality except fires in a contained fireplace for outdoor cooking or for the burning of paper or wood in containers constructed to prevent the spread of such fires. All fires shall be attended until extinguished or safely covered.
   (B)   Fire permit. Any person desiring to kindle, ignite, set, start, or maintain fires shall apply to the Fire Chief of the municipality for a written permit to do so. The Fire Chief may grant such permit under such proper safeguards as he/she may stipulate. In determining whether to issue any permit and the conditions governing the use of any permit, the Fire Chief shall consider the proposed location of the fire and its proximity to other combustible or inflammable material, the possibility of danger to buildings and structures, the degree and type of supervision to be provided, the quantity of the material to be burned and of smoke to be generated, weather conditions, the season of the year, wind direction and velocity, dryness of the ground and vegetation, the tools or apparatus to be employed for fire control, the extent to which debris from combustion may present a fallout problem in adjacent areas, and the nature and extent of air pollution that may be caused.
(Ord. 15-2008, passed 10-1-08) Penalty, see § 93.99