Sec. 9.01 TAXES.
   Council, by vote of five (5) members, shall levy annually a tax for current expenses on real and personal property in the City. The rate of such tax shall not exceed five mills on a dollar of assessed valuation.
Sec. 9.02 EXTRA LEVY.
   Upon the affirmative vote of five (5) members, the Council, at anytime and in any year, may declare by resolution that the amount of money that may be raised by taxation under Section 9.01 of this Charter, together with all other funds available during the ensuing year, will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of the City, and it is necessary to levy taxes in excess of said limitation either to meet the current expenses of the City or for any specific purpose as allowable by Ohio law. Such resolution shall specify the additional rate of levy required and the duration during which such increased rate may be levied. This resolution shall be certified to the Board of Elections to be placed upon the ballot at any special, primary or general election. Such certification to the Board shall occur not less than seventy-five (75) days before the election upon which the issue will be voted. Such resolution shall take effect upon its adoption and shall be certified by the Clerk of Council forthwith to the election authorities who shall place said question upon the ballot.
   The question shall be submitted as a separate proposition but may be printed on the same ballot with any other proposition submitted at the same election. If a majority of those voting thereon vote for the approval of such levy, Council shall immediately make such levy, or such part thereof as it finds necessary, pursuant to such approval, and certify the same to the County Auditor to be placed on the tax list and collected as other taxes.
   All contracts and purchase orders involving the expenditure of funds which exceed the amount specified by the laws of the State of Ohio for which funds may not be expended without advertisement and competitive bidding, shall first be authorized by Council. The Manager may execute said contract or purchase order on behalf of the City with the lowest and best bidder as determined by Council in their discretion considering the amount of the bid, the reputation and past performance of the bidder, his financial condition and other pertinent information, after advertising at least one time more than seven (7) days prior to the final day for receipt of bids, in a newspaper of general circulation in the community. Modifications to contracts and purchase orders in excess of ten percent of the original contract amount or the amount then set forth in the Ohio Revised Code as the maximum expenditure which an officer in the executive branch may authorize, shall first be authorized by Council. Such modification may be accepted by Council without further advertising or bidding. Compensation of employees, contracts for professional or expert personal services and expenditures required because of a real or present emergency need not be advertised nor bids sought. At least five (5) members of Council must approve an expenditure under the real and present emergency need.
   The City Manager may reject any proposed bid which is not in compliance with the bid specifications, or the City Manager may elect to reject all bids and re-bid such contract if such bids are not consistent with the budgetary requirements for such project or contract.