(A)   All illumination shall be indirectly lighted or shadow-lighted so that the immediate source of the illumination is not visible. No signs shall contain any flashing lights. No lighting shall be a detriment to surrounding property or prevent the peaceful enjoyment of residential uses, nor shall light be displayed in such a manner that potential confusion with traffic lights may exist. No sign shall be lighted by the use of exposed neon tubing or similar type lighting.
   (B)   Using the minor exception procedure as outlined in this title, the Development Review Committee shall have the authority to approve a larger identification sign than is provided for in this chapter if a finding is made that the larger sign is in architectural harmony with the premises upon which it is to be located and the area of the real property, its public street frontage and/or the number dwelling units or the number of entrances require larger sign surface area to identify the premises adequately.
(`83 Code, § 17.28.080) (Ord. 94-03 § 6, 1994; Ord. 2004-11 § 12 (part), 2004)