Every required nonresidential parking area and garage shall be designed and maintained in accordance with the following regulations:
   (A)   Parking stall dimensions shall be in accordance with the following table:
Required Stall Type
Open parking lot--universal parking stall
8 feet, 6 inches x 18 feet
Parking structure--regular parking stall
9 feet x 20 feet
Exception:   Every parking stall adjoined on one or both sides of its length by a curb, fence, wall, partition, column, post or similar obstruction, that is located less than four feet from an access aisle measured along the length of the stall or continues to form the end of an access aisle, shall add a minimum of two feet to the width of the end stall.
   (B)   Each stall shall be located so that no automobile is required to back onto a public street.
   (C)   Compact parking stalls are permitted only after meeting the minimum parking requirements per this chapter using the universal parking stall size. The compact parking stall size is 7 feet, 6 inches x 15 feet.
   (D)   Each parking space shall be independently accessible with a minimum of 25 feet of unobstructed space for universal stalls.
   (E)   Handicapped stalls shall be provided as required by the State Code.
   (F)   Striping and car stops or bumpers shall be required per this chapter.
   (G)   Where such parking areas adjoin residential uses, they shall be separated therefrom by screening as specified in this chapter.
   (H)   Parking areas which adjoin landscaping, fences walls or similar barriers shall be provided with wheel stops approved by the Director, (a concrete curb not less than six inches high), installed and maintained as a safeguard to abutting property. The barrier shall be at least two feet from any property line, but in no case shall it be less than necessary to meet the intent of this chapter.
   (I)   Unless otherwise excepted, all driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced or paved with asphaltic concrete of at least 2½-inch thickness with one-inch thickness of aggregate underlayment, or concrete of at least 3½-inch thickness, and be maintained in good condition.
   (J)   All commercial and industrial buildings, hotels, hospitals and institutions hereafter erected, constructed, converted, established, or enlarged to increase their floor space, shall be provided with adequate loading space, as determined by the committee. Any loading space provided shall afford adequate ingress and egress for trucks from a public street or alley. In no case shall any part of a public street or alley be used for loading. Loading doors shall be screened from view of adjacent streets.
   (K)   Every required new non residential parking area shall be designed and maintained in accordance with the universal parking stall size and striping requirements.
   (L)   All existing parking lots of over 100 spaces when upgraded shall be designed and maintained in accordance with the universal parking stall size and striping requirements. A waiver from the universal parking and striping standards for existing parking lots can be approved by the Director if physical design features (i.e. concrete planters) make redesign impractical.
   (M)   Tandem parking shall not be permitted to meet required parking for non-residential uses unless directly permitted by this code.
(`83 Code, § 17.24.070) (Ord. 94-03 § 6, 1994)