§ 16.16.230 COUNCIL ACTION.
   No final map and accompanying data shall be filed with the Council until the conditions enumerated in the approval of the tentative map and this title have been complied with. If the Council determines either that said map is not in conformity with the requirements of the Map Act and this title or that it is not satisfied with the plan of subdivision, it shall disapprove said map specifying its reasons therefor and the City Clerk shall, in writing, advise the subdivider of said disapproval and of the reason or reasons therefor. At the time of approval, if approved, the Council shall accept or reject any or all offers of dedication. No map shall have any force or effect until the same has been approved by the Council. No title to any property described in any offer of dedication shall pass until the subdivider has recorded said map with the County Recorder.
(`83 Code, § 16.16.230) (Ord. 82-19 § 1 (part), 1982)