Every person owning, maintaining or operating any hotel, apartment house, sanatorium, drugstore, restaurant, lunch counter, soda fountain stand, public garage, oil station, manufacturing establishment or other business from which chemicals, grease, transmission grease, crank case or other oil, tar and other such substances of like nature are now being or may hereafter be discharged to or into any public sewer, drain or catch basin, shall install a grease trap or other similar appliance which shall effectively stop and hold such chemicals, grease, oil, tar and other such substances and prevent the same from entering or being discharged into the sewers, drains or catch basins, and provided further, that such grease trap or similar appliance shall be effectively cleaned not less than once in each month and all such chemicals, grease, oil, tar and other substances removed therefrom and disposed of in some manner other than through the sewers, drains and catch basins.
(`83 Code, § 13.12.030)