(A)   Before ordering the establishment of any setback line authorized by this chapter, the City Council shall pass a resolution of intention to do so, designating the setback line or lines proposed to be established. Said resolutions shall contain a notice of the day, hour, and place when and where any and all persons having objection to the establishment of the proposed setback line or lines may appear before the Council, and present any objection which they may have to the said proposed setback line or lines as set forth in said resolution of intention. The time and hour shall be not less than 15 nor more than 60 days from the date of the adoption of the resolution of intention, and said publication shall be made at least ten days before the time of said hearing.
   (B)   The City Engineer shall post, or cause to be posted, conspicuously along the portion of the said street or other public way or place in which it is proposed to establish such a setback line or lines, notices of such intention to establish a setback line or lines, and such notices shall be posted not more than 300 feet apart and not less than three such notices shall be posted. Such notices shall state the passage of the resolution of intention and the time and place of the hearing thereon, and shall be posted not less than ten days before the date set for the hearing. A posting of a copy of the resolution of intention shall be deemed compliance with this requirement.
(`83 Code, § 12.12.020)