All wheeled toys and bicycles as defined in this chapter are and shall be subject to the prohibitions and restrictions set forth in this section:
   (A)   No person shall use, operate or leave any wheeled toy upon:
      (1)   Any sidewalk in the zone designated SP-1, Specific Plan District, Area A in Ordinance 75-23;
      (2)   Upon any traveled way of any street or alley within the city;
   (B)   No person shall use or operate any bicycle upon any sidewalk in the zone designated SP-1, Specific Plan District, Area A in Ordinance No. 75-23;
   (C)   No person shall park or leave standing any wheeled toy or bicycle upon any street or alley or upon any sidewalk in the area designated SP-1, Specific Plan District, Area A in Ordinance No. 75-23, in such a manner as to obstruct or hinder the free passage of pedestrians or other vehicles or devices permitted to use the same;
   (D)   No person shall use or operate a bicycle, skateboard, roller skates or in-line skates on the grounds of any public school when the Board of Education has adopted a rule or regulation prohibiting such use or operation pursuant to Cal. Vehicle Code § 21113 (or any successor statute) and appropriate signs giving notice of such prohibition are posted on the premises; or
   (E)   No person shall use or operate a skateboard, roller skates or in-line skates on the grounds of any city park, where the City Council has adopted a rule or regulation prohibiting such use or operation, and appropriate signs giving notice of such prohibition are posted on the premises. For purposes of this section, the grounds of a city park include, but are not limited to walkways, parking areas, and driveways which are within or adjacent to such park. When requested by the organizer of a special event which is sponsored or otherwise approved by the city, the City Council or the City Manager may, by written order prior to such event, suspend the enforcement of provisions of this division (E) to accommodate such special events.
   (F)   No person shall use or operate any wheeled toy upon private property when the owner has posted appropriate signs giving notice that such use or operation is prohibited on the property. The wording and location of signs posted pursuant to this division (F) shall be approved by the Chief of Police or his or her designee.
   (G)   No person shall use or operate any bicycle or wheeled toy upon the specified streets, during the days and times described in division (G)(2) unless authorized by or pursuant to a permit, license or agreement approved by the City Council.
      (1)   For purposes of this section, the MONROVIA FAMILY FESTIVAL is that traditional event which provides entertainment, farmer's market services and the sale of goods by participating merchants on Fridays as publicly advertised between the months of March and December of each year.
      (2)   The prohibition in division (G) of this section applies during the Monrovia Family Festival, on said Friday evenings between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. on the following streets:
         (a)   Myrtle Avenue between Olive Avenue and Palm Avenue; and
         (b)   On the 100 block east and 100 block west of the following streets, between Ivy and Primrose Avenues: Olive, Colorado, Lemon, Lime, and Palm Avenues.
   (H)   This section shall not apply to bicycles or wheeled toys when operated by members of the Monrovia Police Department or Monrovia Fire Department, or their duly authorized representatives, while in the performance and execution of their duties in their official capacities.
(`83 Code, § 10.36.020) (Ord. 91-18 § 1 (part), 1991; Ord. 96-13 § 1, 1996; Ord. 2002-07 §§ 2, 3, 2002)