(A)   The Traffic Safety Committee is hereby authorized to establish an eight-hour maximum parking limit between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except Sundays and holidays, in all of the spaces located in city-owned or city-operated off-street parking facilities, in lieu of the three-hour limit established in § 10.16.050. The number and location of spaces for which an eight-hour maximum parking limit is established shall be determined by the needs of business owners, their employees, and city personnel to park their vehicles in such lots during business hours, and the necessity of preserving a suitable number of convenient spaces for customer use. The eight-hour maximum parking limit shall not be effective unless appropriate signs are erected giving notice thereof.
      (1)   On the north and south side of Lime Avenue between Primrose Avenue up to the mid-block;
      (2)   On Primrose Avenue between Palm Avenue and Lime Avenue, on the east side.
   (B)   The Traffic Safety Committee is further authorized to designate up to 5% of the spaces in any one city- owned or city-operated off-street parking facility to be reserved for the exclusive use of van-pool or car-pool parking by merchants, business owners or residents who regularly use such parking facilities. When so designated, parking shall be allowed by permit only. These permits shall be issued pursuant to the procedure set forth in § 10.16.085, except that these permits shall be valid for a period of one year. Such designation shall be effective upon the erection of appropriate signs stating that parking is prohibited in the designated space except by permit. Any vehicle parked or left standing in violation of this section may be removed.
(`83 Code, § 10.16.051) (Ord. 86-1 § 4, 1986; Ord. 90-07 § 2, 1990; Ord. 2002-05 § 1, 2002; Ord. 2020-11 § 1, 2020)