§ 9.62.010   DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BROAD-TIPPED MARKER. An indelible marker with a tip that exceeds four millimeters in width.
   GRAFFITI. Any unauthorized painting, marking, symbol, design, inscription or other defacement that is written, drawn, sprayed, painted, marked, etched, scratched, engraved with any paint, aerosol paint, indelible marker, chalk, ink, dye or other substance capable of defacing property.
   INDELIBLE MARKER. Any marker, pen or similar implement which contains a fluid which is not soluble in water and has a flat, pointed or angled writing surface.
   RESPONSIBLE ADULT. A parent or guardian of an individual under 18 years of age. A RESPONSIBLE ADULT also includes an agent of the parent of guardian, provided said agent is over the age of 18.
(`83 Code, § 9.62.010) (Ord. 93-07 § 1 (part), 1993)