§ 6.32.040 CARE OF ANIMALS.
   Every person within the city who owns or has custody of an animal or who owns, conducts, manages, operates, or is an employee of an animal establishment shall comply with the following conditions:
   (A)   Housing facilities for animals shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair to protect the animals from injury, to contain the animals, and to restrict the entrance of other animals;
   (B)   All animals shall be supplied with sufficient good and wholesome food and water as often as their feeding habits require;
   (C)   All animals and all animal buildings or enclosures shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition;
   (D)   No animals shall be without attention for more than 12 consecutive hours. Whenever an animal is left unattended at a commercial animal facility, the telephone number of the department of animal control or the name, address and telephone number of the responsible person shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the front of the property;
   (E)   Every reasonable precaution shall be used to insure that animals are not teased, abused, mistreated, annoyed, tormented or in any manner made to suffer by any person or means;
   (F)   No condition shall be maintained or permitted that is or could be injurious to the animals;
   (G)   Animal buildings and enclosures shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent escape of animals. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to protect the public from the animals and the animals from the public;
   (H)   Every animal establishment shall isolate sick animals sufficiently so as not to endanger the health of other animals. Sick animals shall at all times be isolated from other animals;
   (I)   Every building or enclosure wherein animals are maintained shall be constructed of material easily cleaned and shall be kept in a sanitary condition. The building shall be properly ventilated to prevent drafts and to remove odors. Heating and cooling shall be provided as required, according to the physical need of the animals, with sufficient light to allow observation of animals and sanitation;
   (J)   Animals shall be taken to a veterinarian for examination or treatment if the Animal Control Officer finds this is necessary in order to maintain the health of the animal and orders the owner or custodian to do so;
   (K)   All animal rooms, cages, kennels and runs shall be of sufficient size to provide adequate and proper accommodations for animals kept therein;
   (L)   Animals shall be provided proper shelter and protection from the weather at all times;
   (M)   No animal shall be given any alcoholic beverages, unless prescribed by a veterinarian;
   (N)   No animals which are natural enemies, temperamentally unsuited, or otherwise incompatible, shall be quartered together or so near each other as to cause injury, fear or torment. If two or more animals are so trained that they can be placed together and do not attack each other or perform or attempt any hostile act to the others, such animals shall be deemed not to be natural enemies;
   (O)   No tack, equipment, device, substance or material that is, or could be, injurious or cause unnecessary cruelty to any animal shall be used or permitted to be used;
   (P)   Working animals shall be given proper rest periods. Confined or restrained animals shall be given exercise proper for the individual animal under the particular conditions;
   (Q)   No animal which is overheated, weakened, exhausted, sick, injured, diseased, lame or otherwise unfit shall be worked, used or rented;
   (R)   No animal which the Animal Control Officer has suspended from use shall be worked or used until released by such officer;
   (S)   No animal bearing evidence of malnutrition, ill health, unhealed injury, or having been kept in an unsanitary condition, shall be displayed;
   (T)   Animals shall not be allowed to constitute or cause a hazard or be a menace to the health, peace or safety of the community; and
   (U)   Any violation of this section shall be corrected within a reasonable time to be specified by an Animal Control Officer.
(Ord. 2010-18 § 4, 2010)