(A)   Grounds for suspension and notice of hearing.
      (1)   All licenses issued under this chapter shall be subject to the condition that the applicant thereafter shall cease and desist from any charitable solicitations within the city when ordered to do so by the License Officer if the Officer finds after a hearing, upon notice, that any act or omission of the applicant, the applicant's agent or employees in the making of any solicitation within the city is misleading, fraudulent, or in violation of any provision of this chapter. The License Officer must suspend or revoke the applicant's license if, after hearing on notice, the License Officer finds the existence of any of the grounds enumerated in this chapter for the denial of an application for a charitable solicitation license.
      (2)   Where the License Officer has reason to believe that the conduct of the solicitation being performed by the applicant is misleading, fraudulent, or in violation of any provision of this chapter, the License Officer shall give notice of intention to suspend or revoke the applicant's certificate of registration by registered mail. The notice of intention to suspend or revoke the applicant's certificate of registration shall notice a hearing to be held within two business days of such notice to determine whether or not the certificate of registration should be suspended or revoked. The notice of intention to suspend or revoke the license of the applicant shall contain a statement of the facts upon which the license officer has acted in giving said notice.
   (B)   Presentation of evidence at hearing. At the hearing the certificate of registration holder, and any other interested person, shall have the right to present evidence as to the facts upon which the License Officer has based the notice of suspension or revocation of the certificate of registration, and any other facts which may aid the License Officer in determining whether a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter have occurred and whether the certificate of registration of the applicant should be suspended or revoked.
   (C)   Action on findings. If, after such hearing, the License Officer finds that any provision of this chapter has been violated or that the solicitation has been misleading, fraudulent, or otherwise misrepresented, the License Officer shall immediately suspend or revoke the certificate of registration and shall within two business days after the hearing file with the City Clerk and serve upon the certificate of registration holder, and all interested persons participating in the hearing, a notice of such revocation, together with a written statement of the facts upon which the License Officer has based the findings. If, after such hearing, the License Officer finds that no violation of this chapter has occurred or that the solicitations have not been misleading, fraudulent or otherwise misrepresented the License Officer shall, within two days after said hearing, deliver to the applicant by mail a written statement canceling the notice of intention to suspend or revoke the certificate of registration and stating that no violation or misrepresentation was found to have been committed.
(`83 Code, § 5.40.110) (Ord. 80-13 § 1 (part), 1980; Ord. 82-46 § 10, 1982)