2.76.010 Adoption—Purpose.
2.76.020 Personnel officer—Powers and duties.
2.76.030 Classified service.
2.76.040 Adoption of rules and regulations by City Council.
2.76.050 Appointments by City Manager—Examinations—Powers of department heads.
2.76.060 Probationary periods—Rejection.
2.76.070 Reserved.
2.76.080 Demotion, dismissal, reduction in pay, suspension—Approval by City Manager—Notice.
2.76.090 Abolition of position—Reemployment lists.
2.76.100 Political activity governed by state law.
2.76.110 Unlawful employment practices.
2.76.120 Right to contract for special services.
2.76.130 Legal status of chapter—Appeals.