(A)   The Board of Trustees or any other board of the town may allow a claim:
      (1)   Only at a meeting of the Board of Trustees or such other board; and
      (2)   Only if the claim was filed in the manner prescribed by IC 5-11-10-2 at least five days before the meeting.
   (B)   A town officer who violates this section forfeits the town officer’s office.
(IC 36-5-4-4)
   (C)   A warrant for payment of a claim against the town may be issued only if the claim is:
      (1)   Itemized and certified under IC 5-11-10-1.6;
      (2)   Filed with the Clerk-Treasurer;
      (3)   Certified by the Clerk-Treasurer before payment that each invoice is true and correct; and
      (4)   Allowed by the Board of Trustees or by the board of the town having jurisdiction over allowance of the claim.
(IC 36-5-4-6)