(A)   It shall be unlawful, a nuisance, and a violation of this chapter for any person, company, or business to throw or deposit or permit any child, servant, member of the family, or any other person under his, her, or its control to throw, deposit or keep any manure, rubbish, tin cans, junk, putrid or unsound animal or vegetable matter, or any filthy, unwholesome or deleterious substances, including environmental hazardous substances, or any substances that are liable to become unwholesome or deleterious, or keep junk motor vehicles as defined in Chapter 98, in or into or upon any street, lane, alley, sidewalk, gutter, crossing, lot, cellar, premises, or upon any public or private place not zoned for such use.
   (B)   All garbage shall be disposed of in a manner to be designated by the Town Council and all regulations and ordinances shall be enforced by the town police officer. The town police officer shall have the power and the authority to enter into and upon any street, lot, alley, premises, building, or ground for the purpose of making a sanitary survey of the same, and if any unsanitary condition is found, such town police officer shall immediately notify the person or persons so offending in writing fixing a time limit to abate the nuisance. Should such person or persons fail to abate such nuisance within the time specified by the town police officer shall cause such nuisance to be abated. However, if the property has within the preceding 12-month period already received a notice to abate, the town police officer shall have no requirement to give the person or persons the opportunity to abate, but may, among all other options, immediately fine the person or persons under § 93.99(A). If the town undertakes abatement, the town shall keep account of the expense of such abatement, which expense shall be collectible as damages against the violator. The right of the town to recover such expenses is in addition to the town's right to levy a penalty under § 93.99(A).
(Ord. 670, passed 6-7-23)