(A)   The storage of all solid waste shall be practiced so as to prevent the attraction, breeding, or harborage of insects or rodents and to prevent conditions which may create potential hazards to the public health or which create fire and other safety hazard, odors, unsightliness, or public nuisance.
   (B)   Any person accumulating or storing garbage on private or public property in the township for any purpose whatsoever (including waste being stored for door-to-door collection) shall place the same or cause the same to be placed in sanitary, closed or covered containers in accordance with the following standards:
      (1)   Containers used for the storage of solid waste shall be of metal, plastic, or fiberglass construction, rust and corrosion resistant, equipped with lids, waterproof, leakproof; and except in the case of bulk containers, shall not exceed 32 gallons in capacity;
      (2)   All containers shall be kept in a sanitary condition and in good repair. Any container that does not conform with this subchapter or is difficult to handle, or is likely to injure the collection or his or her employees, or hampers the prompt collection of solid waste shall be replaced upon notice to the owner of such container; and
      (3)   A sufficient number of containers shall be provided to contain all solid waste materials that are required to be placed in containers generated during periods between regularly scheduled collections.
   (C)   Solid waste to be collected on a door-to-door basis shall be prepared for such collection in the following manner.
      (1)   All garbage shall be drained of excess liquids before being placed in the waste storage containers previously described and all ashes shall be free of any burning material before being deposited for collection.
      (2)   Tree, brush, hedge, and similar clippings, including Christmas trees, shall be cut in lengths not to exceed six feet in length, and be bound securely in bundles not to exceed 40 pounds in weight before being deposited for collection.
      (3)   Newspapers, magazines, cardboard, and boxes not placed in the containers previously described shall be securely tied in bundles not to exceed six feet in length and 40 pounds in weight before being deposited for collection.
      (4)   No person, except the occupants of the property on which a waste container is placed and an authorized collector, shall remove the lids of the container and/or remove the contents thereof.
      (5)   Solid waste of a highly flammable or explosive nature, or highly infectious or contagious wastes shall not be stored for ordinary collection, but shall be disposed of in accordance with the directions of the state’s Department of Environmental Resources.
   (D)   Containers for door-to-door collection shall be placed in the following manner to facilitate such collection.
      (1)   Containers, other than bulk containers, shall be placed, whenever possible, at ground level and at a point on the curb line of the street, or within no less than ten feet of the public street or alley right-of-way from which collection from a vehicle can be made. Failure to place containers at such locations will result in an additional charge for collection.
      (2)   Bulk containers shall be placed, whenever possible, at ground level and at a point on the property being serviced by the collector that will enable clear and easy access to the container by the collector’s vehicle.
(Ord. 1988-1, passed 4-12-1988)