(A)   When the enforcement agent of the township observes noncompliance with the provisions of this subchapter on any premises within the township, the agent shall issue a written notice of noncompliance to be served by registered or certified mail upon the owner of said premises, or, if the owner’s whereabouts or identity be unknown, by posting the notice conspicuously upon the offending premises. Said notice shall specify the observed noncompliance and request proof that the owner or the occupant(s) of the premises has a current contract with a licensed hauler to dispose of refuse generated on the premises or that the owner or occupant of the premises is transporting the refuse generated on the premises to a licensed disposal site on a regular basis. Proof of the latter disposal method shall consist of copies of the weight tickets from the disposal facility. Such copies shall be retained for one year after their issuance.
   (B)   If the owner of any premises to whom a notice of noncompliance has been sent fails to provide proof as specified above and that is deemed adequate in the judgment of the township’s enforcement agent, the enforcement agent shall require that a contract with a licensed hauler be obtained and proof provided or that proof of disposal at a licensed disposal facility for a period of time to be determined by the enforcement agent be subsequently provided.
   (C)   If it is the determination of the township’s enforcement agent that, adequate proof as specified above notwithstanding, more frequent disposal is necessary to prevent the accumulation of solid waste on the exterior of any premises as prohibited above, the agent may require more frequent disposal and may subsequently require proof that collection by a licensed hauler on a more frequent basis has been contracted for or that disposal at a licensed disposal site on a more frequent basis is taking place.
(Ord. 2008-6, passed 11-18-2008)