§ 154.03 ZONING.
Publisher's Note: This Section has been AMENDED by new legislation (Ord. 2022-4, amended 10-25-2022). The text of the amendment will be incorporated below when the ordinance is codified.
   The township’s zoning ordinance is hereby adopted by reference as if set forth at length herein. The zoning ordinance is available for inspection in the township office during normal business hours.
(Ord. 2004-5, passed 12-28-2004; Ord. 2007-5, passed 10-23-2007; Ord. 2007-6, passed 10-23-2007; Ord. 2008-2, passed 1-29-2008; Ord. 2012-03, passed 12-19-2012; Ord. 2013-01, passed 5-22-2013; Ord. 2013- passed 10-29-2013; Ord. 2016-04, passed 6-28-2016; Ord. 2019-3, passed 6-25-2019; Ord. 2020-1, passed 1-28-2020; Ord. 2020-4, passed 4-29-2020; Ord. 2021-01, passed 1-4-2021; Ord. 2021-5, passed 7-27-2021)