(A)   All intersections marked with a stop sign on the three-foot by three-foot Township Stop Sign Plan, prepared by Meek-Tech Incorporated, dated September 17, 2013 and bearing the project number of 0754.Mo01, are hereby declared to be stop intersections, and official stop signs shall be erected (or hereby confirmed if previously erected) in such a position as to face traffic approaching the intersection of the through street. Every driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection of the through street shall stop the vehicle as required by § 3323(b), being 75 Pa.C.S. § 3323(b) and any other applicable sections of the “Vehicle Code”, and shall not proceed into or across the intersecting or through street until he or she has followed all applicable requirements of law. The Township Stop Sign Plan set forth above is kept in the Township Building and is incorporated herein by reference.
Intersection Description
Description Notes
Intersection Description
Description Notes
Airport Road and Mill Road
Alley and alley from S.R. 11 and S.R. 15 to Old Trail
North of Bailey’s Market
Alley and Chestnut Street
Between Penn Street and Park Road
Alley and Penn Street
Between Banyan Street and Maple Street
Atrium Court and Old Trail
Attig Road and App Road
SE corner
Attig Road and Perms Drive
NW corner
Banyan Street and Penn Street
Banyan Street and Runyan Road
SE corner
Bogar Drive and Picnic Lane
SE corner
Bogar Drive and Rolling Green Drive
SE corner at bottom of hill
Bogar Drive and Rolling Green Drive
NE corner at top of hill
Broad Street and Park Road
NW corner
Brown Street and Edbert Street
SW corner
Brown Street and Edbert Street
NE corner
Brown Street and Maple Street
SW corner
Brown Street and Maple Street
NE corner
Brown Street and Old Trail
SW corner
Brown Street and Park Avenue
NE corner
Brown Street and Park Avenue
SW corner
Brown Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
SW corner
Brown Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NE corner
Carousel Drive and Rolling Drive Green
SE corner
Center Street and Green Street
NE corner
Chestnut Street and alley
Between Penn Street and Park Road
Chestnut Street and Brown Street
SE corner
Chestnut Street and Brown Street
NW corner
Chestnut Street and Center Street
SE corner
Chestnut Street and Edbert Street
NW corner of alley and Brown Street
Chestnut Street and Edbert Street
NW corner of alley and Monroe Street
Chestnut Street and Edbert Street
SE corner of alley and Park Road
Chestnut Street and Edbert Street
SE corner of alley and Brown Street
Chestnut Street and Park Road
SE corner
Colonial Drive and Fisher Road
SW corner
County Line Road and S.R. 15
NE corner
County Line Road and S.R. 11
SW corner near river
Creek Road and Airport Road
SW corner
Creek Road and Mill Road
NE corner
Crystal Lane and Park Avenue
SE corner
East Eighteenth Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NE corner
East Eighteenth Street and Old Trail
SW corner
East Sixteenth Street and Old Trail
SW corner
Easy Street and Mill Road
SW corner
Edbert Street and Brown Street
NW corner
Edbert Street and Brown Street
SE corner
Edbert Street and Maple Street
NW corner of alley and Brown Street
Edbert Street and Maple Street
SE corner of alley and Park Road
Edbert Street and Monroe Street
NW corner
Edbert Street and Park Road
SE corner
Eighth Street and Old Trail
SW corner
Eighth Street and Penns Valley Drive
NE corner
Eighth Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NE corner
Elm Street and Old Trail
SW corner
Elm Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NE corner
Fairway Drive and App Road
NE corner
Fisher Road and Park Road
NW corner near App Road
Fisher Road and Park Road
SE corner near Christ Community Church
Fourth Street and Old Trail
SW corner
Fourth Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NE corner
Fox Avenue and Mill Road
NW corner
Fox Avenue and Old School Road
SE corner
Fox Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue
NW corner of alley and Old School Road
Grangers Road and Line Road #2
SE corner
Grangers Road and S.R. 15
NE corner
Green Street and Independence Street
SE corner
Greenbrier Avenue and Lost Creek Drive
Greenbrier Avenue and Mill Road
SW corner
Harrison Street and Center Street
NW corner
Harrison Street and Park Road
NW corner
Hollow Road and Kratzerville Road
NW corner
Hollow Road and Park Road
SE corner
Inch Drive and Peach Tree Drive
Independence Street and Pine Lane
NE corner
Kingswood Drive and App Road
SE corner
Lenker Avenue and Old Trail
SW corner
Lenker Avenue and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NE corner
Lepley Road and Penns Drive
SW corner
Line Road #1 and Line Road #1
NW corner
Line Road #1 and S.R. 15
SE corner/south entrance and exit (two signs)
Line Road #1 and County Line Road
SE corner
Line Road #1 and S.R. 15
NW corner at exit
Line Road #2 and County Line Road
SE corner
Line Road #2 and S.R. 15
NW corner at exit
Line Road #2 and S.R. 15
SW corner at entrance and exit
Line Road (T513) south and Line Road
On Line Road south where traffic turns onto Line Road
Long Avenue and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
SW corner
Lori Lane and Mill Road
NE corner
Lost Creek Drive and App Road
NW corner
Lost Creek Drive and Greenbrier Avenue
SE corner
Maple Street and Brown Street
NE corner
Maple Street and Brown Street
SW corner
Maple Street and Monroe Street
NW corner
Maple Street and Park Road
NW corner
Maple Street and Park Road
SE corner
Maple Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NW corner of alley and Monroe Street
Maple Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NW corner of alley and Brown Street
Maple Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
SE corner of alley and Runyan Road
Maple Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
SE corner of alley and Brown Street
Maple Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
SE corner of alley and Park Road
Maple Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NW corner of alley and Park Road
Maple Street and Runyan Road
SE corner
Mark Drive and Shawna Drive
NW corner
Meadowbrook Drive and App Road
NW corner
Meadowbrook Drive and Greenbrier Avenue
SE corner
Mill Road and Old School Road
SW corner of alley and Fox Avenue
Mill Road and Old Trail
Mill Road and Old School Road
SW corner of alley and alley
Mill Road and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
Monroe Street and Old Trail
SW corner
Monroe Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
NE corner
Monroe Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
SW corner
Monroe Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
SW corner
Monroe Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NE corner
Municipal Drive and Park Road
SE corner
Oakmont Court and Augusta Drive
Old School Road and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NE corner
Old School Road and Old Trail
SW corner
Old Trail and Ninth Street
SW corner
Old Trail and Ninth Street
SE corner
Old Trail and Old Trail
NE corner west of bypass
Old Trail and Old Trail
SW corner west of bypass
Park Avenue and Brown Street
SE corner
Park Avenue and Brown Street
NW corner
Park Avenue and Chestnut Street
SE corner of alley and Park Road
Park Avenue and Chestnut Street
NW corner of alley and Brown Street
Park Avenue and Park Road
SE corner
Park Road and Penn Street
NW corner of Chestnut Street
Park Road and Penn Street
NE corner of alley and Harrison Street
Park Road and Runyan Road
SW corner of alley and Maple Street
Pavilion Lane and Park Road
SE corner
Peach Street and Airport Road
SE corner
Peach Tree Drive and Park Road
Penn Street and Chestnut Street
Penn Street and Green Street
SW corner
Penn Street and Harrison Street
SW corner
Penn Street and Harrison Street
NE corner
Penn Street and Green Street
NE corner
Penns Drive and County Line Road
SE corner
Penns Drive and Kratzerville Road
NW corner at bridge
Penns Drive and Kratzerville Road
SE corner
Penns Drive and Mill Road
SW corner
Penns Valley Drive and Ninth Street
SE corner
Pennsylvania Avenue and Brown Street
NW corner
Pennsylvania Avenue and Brown Street
SE corner
Pennsylvania Avenue and Old Trail
NW corner of alley and Brown Street
Pennsylvania Avenue and Old Trail
NW corner of alley and Park Road
Pennsylvania Avenue and Old Trail
SE corner of alley and Monroe Street
Pennsylvania Avenue and Old Trail
SE corner of alley and Park Road
Pennsylvania Avenue and Old School Road
NW corner
Pennsylvania Avenue and Park Road
SE corner
Picnic Lane and Bogar Drive
SW corner
Picnic Lane and Bogar Drive
NE corner
Picnic Lane and Picnic Lane
SE corner
Picnic Lane and Rolling Green Drive
NE corner
Pine Lane and Park Road
NW corner
Pine Lane and Stetler Avenue
SE corner
Reichley Road and County Line Road
SE corner
Reichley Road and Hollow Road
NW corner
Rolling Green Drive and Park Road
NE corner
Rolling Green Drive and Bogar Drive
SW corner at bottom of hill
Rolling Green Drive and Park Avenue
NE corner
Rolling Green Drive and Bogar Drive
NE corner at bottom of hill
Rolling Green Drive and Bogar Drive
NW corner at top of hill
S.R. 11 and S.R. 15 and Old Trail
SE corner of alley and Runyan Road
S.R. 11 and S.R. 15 and Pennsylvania Avenue
NW corner of alley and Monroe Street
S.R. 11 and S.R. 15 and Fox Avenue
NW corner of alley and Mill Road
S.R. 11 and S.R. 15 and Pennsylvania Avenue
SE corner of alley and Park Road
S.R. 11 and S.R. 15 and Pennsylvania Avenue
SE corner of alley and Monroe Street
S.R. 11 and S.R. 15 and Pennsylvania Avenue
SE corner of alley and Brown Street
S.R. 11 and S.R. 15 and Fox Avenue
SE corner of alley and Old School Road
S.R. 11 and S.R. 15 and Pennsylvania Avenue
NW corner of alley and Brown Street
Runyan Road and Old Trail
SW corner
Runyan Road and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
SW corner
Runyan Road and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NE corner
Sawmill Hollow Road and Park Road
SE corner
Second Street and Old Trail
SW corner
Second Street and S.R. 11 and S.R. 15
NE corner
Shaffer Lane and Kratzerville Road
NE corner
Shaffer Lane and Park Road
SW corner
Shawna Drive and Park Road
NE corner
Shreiner’s Road and Eleventh Avenue
SW corner at bottom of hill
Shreiner’s Road and Eleventh Avenue
SE corner at top of hill
Sictler Avenue and Eleventh Avenue
SE corner
South Old Trail (T-463) and Connector to South Old Trail (T-463)
South Tee Street and Mill Road
SE corner
Stonebridge Drive and Park Road
SE corner
Stonebridge North and Stonebridge Drive
Sunbury Road and Park Road
NE corner
Tenth Street and Old Trail
NE corner
Tower Road and Line Road #1
South entrance with route 15
Villa Lane and Fisher Road
NE corner
Wharf Drive and N. Red Maple Street
West Sixteenth Street and Mill Road
NE corner
   (B)   Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
(Ord. 1992-2, passed 4-14-1992; Ord. 2001-1, passed 3-27-2001; Ord. 2002-1, passed 5-29-2002; Ord. 2002-2, passed 10-29-2002; Ord. 2007-1, passed 4-30-2007; Ord. 2008-4, passed 11-18-2008; Ord. 2013-, passed 10-29-2013; Ord. 2018-02, passed 1-23-2018; Ord. 2020-7, passed 8-25-2020)