A.   Generally. To promote development and redevelopment of mixed-use zoning districts, incentives may be applied to buildings and developments which qualify based upon the criteria of this Section. To encourage certain public benefits and create a more dynamic public realm, density bonuses may be permitted for the items defined below. Each mixed-use zoning district development standards table shall define the maximum permitted density which may be achieved through incentives. Providing 3 out of the 6 incentive categories listed in this Section shall permit development at fifty percent (50%) of the maximum density bonus through incentives. Providing 4 out of the 6 incentive categories listed in this Section shall permit development at one hundred percent (100%) of the maximum density bonus through incentives. For example, a mixed-use project in the DC-MX district that provides: 1.) Adaptive reuse of an existing building, 2.) Streetscape enhancements, and 3.) Additional greenspace in the form of a public plaza, would be able to develop at 12.5 dwelling units/acre.
   B.   Priority Land Use Incentives.
      1.   Priority land uses are recognized from previously adopted City plans (i.e., Forward Monroe and the Downtown Master Plan) and represent a community vision for a desired land use within a mixed-use zoning district. A mixed-use zoning district may recognize priority land uses and offer density incentives to implement priority land uses within a vertical or horizontal mixture of uses in a building or development. To qualify for this incentive, each building or development must include at least two (2) priority land uses each of which shall be at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the total.
Table 5.10 Priority Land Use Incentives
Priority Land Use
Multifamily, Commercial, Civic, Medical
Multifamily, Commercial, Civic, Office, Medical
Multifamily, Commercial, Civic, Office, Medical
Multifamily, Commercial, Civic, Office, Medical
Student/Medical Housing, Commercial, Civic, Office, Medical
   C.   Adaptive Reuse.
      1.   Adaptive reuse refers to the repurposing of an existing structure for new use. For example, converting an old church into a restaurant, an old train station into an office space, or an old mall into multifamily apartments. Adaptive reuse includes structures that contain architectural or cultural value as determined by the Director of Planning and Development.
      2.   Any development request for adaptive reuse of a building must be stated on applicable City permits.
   D.   Streetscape Enhancements.
      1.   Incentives for streetscape enhancements shall be limited to the DC-MX and DG-MX districts. Streetscape enhancements shall be defined as items which increase the design quality of the street and its visual character by implementing the Downtown Master Plan Section 5.4: Urban Design, including a continuation of sidewalks with large trees and landscaping, wider planting strip (eight (8) feet to ten (10) feet), uniform lighting with decorative lamps and other street furniture.
   E.   Additional Greenspace.
      l.   Additional Greenspace shall be defined as publicly accessible greenspace that exceeds the required open space for the respective mixed-use zoning district development, as defined in Section 8.8., Open Space. For example, a minimum of ten percent (10%) of open space is required within the DG-MX district. To receive the bonus the project would need to include fifteen percent (15%) of open space.
         a.   Required additional greenspace.
            i.   DC-MX and DG-MX: five percent (5%).
            ii.   All other Mixed-Use Districts: ten percent (10%).
         b.   Additional green space shall be in the form(s) as defined in Section 8.8.3., Open Space Standards.
   F.   Building Configuration.
      1.   Incentives for building configuration shall include a minimum of two (2) types listed below:
         a.   Compliance with the multi-family residential design standards in Section 8.7.3., Multifamily Design Standards, for single-family attached.
         b.   Construction of principal structure in accordance with Barrier Free Design Standards (ANSI A1171.1).
         c.   Inclusion of underground parking or parking structures sufficient to accommodate fifty-one percent (51%) or more of the off-street parking requirements.
         d.   Include windows on all building sides.
         e.   Provision of at least one (1) enclosed recycling station per building suitable for storage and collection of recyclables generated on-site.
         f.   Setback of a second or higher story primary building façade wall from the building's first floor primary façade plane by six (6) feet or more.
   G.   Sustainable Development.
      1.   Incentives are an effort to encourage sustainable development practices as a means of addressing climate change and the need for more resilient development practices, the protection of natural resources, and ensuring a high quality of life for future City residents. Development shall include a minimum of three (3) from
Type A and a minimum of four (4) from Type B of sustainable development practices to receive the bonus.
         a.   Certifications.
            i.   Type A-Certifications from this type will count toward the minimum three (3) from Type A for Sustainable Development Incentive:
               A.   Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed LEED Platinum certification standards.
               B.   Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed LEED Gold certification standards.
               C.   Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed BREEAM "Excellent" certification standards.
               D.   Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed BREEAM “Very Good” certification standards.
               E.   Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed National Green Building Standard's "Emerald" certification standards.
               F.   Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed National Green Building Standard's "Gold" certification standards.
            ii.   Type B-Certifications from this type will count toward the minimum two (2) from Type B for Sustainable Development Incentive:
               A.   Construction of the principal structures(s) to meet or exceed LEED Silver certification standards.
               B.   Construction to the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed LEED Bronze certification standards.
               C.   Construction of the principal structures(s) to meet or exceed BREEAM “Good” certification standards.
               D.   Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed National Green Building Standards "Silver" certification standards.
               E.   Construction to the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed National Green Building Standards "Bronze" certification standards.
         b.   Energy Conservation.
            i.   Type A.
               A.   Use of central air conditioners that are Energy Star qualified.
               B.   Use of only solar or tankless water heating systems throughout the structure.
               C.   Use of white roof or roofing materials with minimum reflectivity rating of sixty percent (60%) or more.
               D.   Pre-plumb and pre-wire structures for solar water heating and photovoltaic installation.
            ii.   Type B.
               A.   Provision of skylights in an amount necessary to ensure natural lighting is provided to at least fifteen percent (15%) of the habitable rooms in the structure.
               B.   Roof eaves or overhangs of three (3) feet or more on southern or western elevations.
               C.   Inclusion of shade features (e.g., awnings, louvers, shutters, and the like) to shade all windows and doors on the southern building façade.
               D.   Shade impervious surfaces and southern/western building exposures to limit heat gain.
               E.   Inclusion of on-demand hot water systems instead of tank-based systems.
         c.   Water Conservation and Quality Protection.
            i.   Type A.
               A.   Configuration of the principal structure's roof so that at least fifty percent (50%) of the roof is "green" roof intended to capture and hold rain water.
               B.   Inclusion of rain water capture and reuse devices such as cisterns, rain filters, and underground storage basins with a minimum storage capacity of five hundred (500) gallons.
               C.   Provision of a bio-retention area(s) or other appropriate storm water infiltration system(s) of at least seven hundred (700) square feet in area.
               D.   Provision of open space at a rate two hundred (200) percent or more beyond the minimum required.
            ii.   Type B.
               A.   Provision of bio-retention area(s) or other appropriate stormwater infiltration systems of at least one hundred (100) square feet in area.
               B.   Removal of all lawn or turf in favor of living ground cover.
               C.   Use of xeriscape landscaping techniques without irrigation.
               D.   Provision of one hundred (150)-foot undisturbed buffers adjacent to/surrounding all wetlands or surface waters.
               E.   Use of permeable surfacing on fifty percent (50%) or more of the vehicular use are
(Am. Ord. O-2023-30, passed 7-18-23)