A. Residential. Where the phrases “all residential districts”, “residential districts”, “zoned residentially”, and “residentially zoned” are used in this UDO, the phrases shall be construed to include:
1. RR— Residential, Rural.
2. RLD— Residential, Low Density.
3. RMD— Residential, Medium Density.
4. RHD— Residential, High Density.
B. Commercial. Where the phrases “all commercial districts”, “office and commerce districts”, and “commercially zoned” are used in this UDO, the phrases shall be construed to include:
1. OM — Office/Medical.
2. NB— Neighborhood Business.
3. GB — General Business.
C. Industrial. Where the phrases “all industrial districts”, “industrially zoned”, and “zoned industrial” are used in this UDO, the phrases shall be construed to include:
1. GI— Industrial, General.
2. HI — Industrial, Heavy.
D. Planned. Where the phrases “all planned districts”, “planned districts”, and “planned developments” are used in this UDO, the phrases shall be construed to include:
1. PCD— Planned Commerce Development.
2. PUD— Planned Unit Development.
E. Conditional. Where the phrases “all conditional districts”, “zoned conditional”, and conditionally zoned” are used in this UDO, the phrases shall be construed to include:
1. C-R— Conditional, Residential.
2. C-O— Conditional, Office.
3. C-C— Conditional, Commercial.
4. C-1— Conditional, Industrial.
F. Districts Distinguished. The City allows for different groupings of traditional base zoning districts, planned districts, and conditional districts which may be approved through a zoning map amendment (rezoning), subject to Section 3.4.6: Zoning Map Amendment, of this UDO.
1. Residential, Commercial and Industrial. The Traditional Residential, Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts are base zoning districts which subject future development in the district to all required development standards and regulations applicable to that district, as required in this UDO. These standards are defined in Section 4.2: Residential Zoning Districts, Section 4.3: Commercial Zoning Districts, and Section 4.4: Industrial Zoning Districts.
2. Planned. The Planned Districts reclassify land to a planned district (PCD or PUD). A planned district requires a Planned Development Master Plan pursuant to Section 3.4.7: Planned Developments. The Planned Development Master Plan is a binding site plan and all future development must comply with the applicable development standards set forth in the Planned Development Master Plan. Planned Districts allow for more flexibility of development standards through customized planned development standards and deviations from design standards requirements set forth in this UDO, but not from permissible uses.
3. Conditional. Consistent with G.S. § 160D-703, the Conditional Districts reclassify land to a conditional district that is parallel to the base traditional zoning district. As part of a reclassification to a conditional district, future development is subjected to the same development standards as the base district, except as modified by conditions that are agreed to by the owner. These may also include and incorporate proposed modifications to permitted uses or development standards. Conditions and site-specific standards imposed in a conditional district shall be limited to those that address the conformance of the development and use of the site to this UDO, the City’s plans, or the impacts reasonably expected to be generated by the development or use of the site. Conditional districts are further defined in Section 4.6: Conditional Districts.