A.   Purpose and Intent. The residential zoning districts are intended to provide a safe and healthy environment for residents to live. Uses which are detrimental to the residential nature of these districts are discouraged. More specifically, the residential zoning districts intend to:
      1.   Implement the residential and suburban land use character areas identified in the Forward Monroe plan;
      2.   Permit a variety of residential uses, public and institutional uses, and other supporting uses;
      3.   Promote open space and recreational opportunities for residents;
      4.   Offer a range of densities and housing stock to allow for a sustainable mix of residential development, diversity and affordability;
      5.   Ensure adequate light, air, and privacy for all dwellings;
      6.   Preserve existing community character while providing for new infill development consistent with the Forward Monroe plan; and
      7.   Discourage uses that would substantially interfere or would be unsupportive of the character of the district. Compatible uses may be permitted per Section 7., Permissible Uses and Standards.
      The four (4) residential zoning districts are listed in Table 4.2, and their standards enumerated, in the Sections below.
   B.   Uses. The residential zoning districts permit residential uses and compatible public and institutional uses. The residential districts allow for a diverse range of housing stock and compatible uses across four (4) residential districts: Residential, Rural (RR), Residential, Low Density (RLD), Residential, Medium Density (RMD), and Residential, High Density (RHD).
   C.   Design Standards. Consistent with G.S. § 160D-702(b), certain residential development may need to comply with applicable design standards provided for in Section 8.7., Design Standards of this UDO.
   D.   Single-Family Residential Subdivision Rezoning Standards.
      1.   A Single-Family Residential Subdivision with lot counts between 50 and 99 shall be reviewed as a Conditional District Rezoning as outlined in Section 4.6., Conditional Zoning following the Zoning Map Amendment process outlined in Section 3.4.6., Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning).
      2.   Single-Family Residential Subdivisions with lot counts greater than 100 shall be reviewed as a Planned Development as outlined in Section 4.5.2., Planned Unit Development following the Planned Developments process outlined in Section 3.4.7., Planned Developments (Rezoning).
Table 4.2 Residential Zoning Districts
Residential, Rural
Residential, Low Density
Residential, Medium Density
Residential, High Density
(Am. Ord. O-2023-32, passed 7-18-23)