(A)   Notices, orders or other documents issued pursuant to this article shall be served upon persons either personally or by certified mail/return receipt requested. When service is made by certified mail/return receipt, a copy of the notices, orders or other documents may also be sent by regular mail. Service shall be deemed sufficient if the certified mail is unclaimed or refused, but the regular mail is not returned by the post office within ten (10) days after the mailing. If regular mail is used and certified mail is returned unclaimed, a notice of the pending proceedings shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises affected.
   (B)   If the identities of any owners or whereabouts of persons are unknown and the same cannot be ascertained by the Inspection Department in the exercise of reasonable diligence, or if the owners are known but have refused to accept service by registered or certified mail, and the Inspections Department shall make an affidavit to that effect, stating the steps taken to determine and locate the persons in interest, then the serving of such complaint or order upon such owners or persons may be made by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in the city at least once no later than such time at which personal service would be required under this article. Where such service is by publication, a notice of the pending proceedings shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises thereby affected.
   (C)   In order to assist the Inspections Department with the service of notices, orders and other documents pursuant to this Article, an owner who submits an affidavit showing a failure to receive a notice of violation and who affirms in the affidavit submitted to the Inspections Department that the address listed in the Union County tax records has been changed to the correct address at which the owner can receive further notices, shall have the prior violation removed from consideration for the Probationary Rental Residential Dwelling determination so long as the owner continues to maintain a correct address with the Union County tax records and does not refuse to accept service of any notice at the address listed with the Union County tax records.
   (D)   In order to assist owners who desire to better monitor activities at their properties, the Inspections Department or Police Department shall also notify an owner when an activity at the property results in a citation for violation of either the parking ordinance or noise ordinance and any arrests for violation of the Controlled Substances Act or Prostitution occurring at dwellings of the owner so requesting.
(Ord. O-2009-24, passed 7-21-09)