(A)   Bills for stormwater management service shall be sent at regular periodic intervals. Stormwater management service charges may be billed on a combined utility bill that also contains charges for electric, gas, water and sewer service and/or solid/waste management service.
   (B)   Stormwater management service charges for a property that receives water, sewer service or combined sewer and water service will be sent to the customer receiving such service. However, where multiple water and sewer accounts exist for a single parcel, the bill for stormwater management service charges may for good cause shown at the discretion of the City be sent to the property owner.
   (C)   In cases where a master meter is used for water service to a property with multiple tenants, Owners of the property may, with the consent of the City, designate each occupant of the property as the party to receive the bill for stormwater management service charges by completing and properly executing a form provided by the City. Such designation shall fairly allocate the impervious surfaces actually used by the billed party, and it shall be binding for the period of time specified by the City. No occupant may be designated as the party to receive the bill for stormwater management service charge unless the occupant is also receiving a utility bill for another city service such as electric, gas and or solid/waste. The applicant shall provide notice of the application to each effected utility customer. The City shall approve the per account billing for the parcel unless the billing plan:
      (1)   Will result in a charge of less than one (1) ERU for one or more accounts, and/or
      (2)   Does not equitably allocate the fee between accounts.
      Such transfer does not relieve either the owner or occupant from liability for stormwater management service charges if they are not paid by the party billed. The approval of per account billing pursuant to this subsection does not relieve the owner from liability for stormwater management service fees if they are not paid by the party billed. The property owner is ultimately responsible for payment of the stormwater management service charge for property for which the party billed has not paid the stormwater management service charge.
   (D)   All other aspects of billing shall be handled as set forth in the City Council adopted Customer Service Policy unless specifically described in this section, or the section immediately following.
(Ord. O-2008-46, passed 11-18-08)