§ 33.035 WORK HOURS.
   (A)   Salary administration. The policies contained in this chapter and throughout the Town of Monon Personnel Policies Handbook apply to all Town of Monon employees, except when in direct conflict with special employment conditions set forth by various statutes governing employment relationships.
   (B)   The usual workweek for employees of the Town of Monon is Monday through Friday. All personnel will be expected to work a five consecutive day workweek. Employees are expected to work an actual eight hours with the town providing two 15-minute breaks to be taken as one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Unpaid lunch periods are 60 minutes long. Employees shall take their full lunch period unless emergency situations arise preventing the employee from doing so, or they have been given prior approval by their department head. The Town Council must approve any variation of this each year.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)
§ 33.036 WAGE POLICY.
   Violations of the sick leave and/or vacation policy of the county shall be penalized as follows:
   (A)   Unauthorized time away from work shall be subtracted from existing leave time in the following order: accrued compensatory time, vacation time, and sick time.
   (B)   If a non-exempt employee has no existing leave time as described above, unauthorized time from work shall be docked from his/her wages on an hourly basis.
   (C)   The penalty for exempt employees paid at a salary rate shall be computed by the normal workdays in a year divided into the gross yearly salary (daily rate).
   (D)   An employee cannot be granted time off without pay if they have remaining compensatory time, excess benefit time, vacation time, unless otherwise stated in written policy (i.e.: military leave).
   (E)   The wages of an elected official cannot be decreased or increased as set by the salary ordinance, unless by statutory exception.
   (F)   Additional disciplinary actions may be taken for violations of paid leave policies, up to and including termination of employment with the Town of Monon.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)