§ 8-3.6.18 Civic Signs.
   (A)   Permit required: no.
   (B)   Zoning Districts allowed:
      (1)   Open Space Residential;
      (2)   General Residential;
      (3)   Neighborhood Residential;
      (4)   Neighborhood Center;
      (5)   Town Center;
      (6)   Highway Commercial;
      (7)   Traditional Neighborhood Development;
      (8)   Campus Institutional;
      (9)   Campus Business;
      (10)   Special Purpose;
      (11)   General Industrial; and
      (12)   Floodplain.
   (C)   Sign height requirements:
      (1)   Maximum height of six feet in Open Space Residential, General Residential, Neighborhood Residential, Neighborhood Center, Town Center, Traditional Neighborhood Development, Campus Institutional, Campus Business, Special Purpose, General Industrial, and Floodplain Districts.
      (2)   Maximum of eight feet in the Highway Commercial District.
   (D)   Number of signs permitted: maximum of one per street front, development entrance or sign casement.
   (E)   Sign area requirements: maximum of 32 square feet.
   (F)   Additional requirements:
      (1)   Any changeable face portion shall not exceed 40% of the sign face.
      (2)   Signage advertising day of events may be placed no sooner than 6:00 p.m. the day before, and must be removed by 8:00 p.m. the day after.
(Adopted 1-8-2013)