§ 8-3.8.52 Parking Lot or Deck.
   Parking lots and decks not accessory to a building on the same development site shall meet all requirements elsewhere herein for the uses, except that
   (A)   Parking lots may be constructed up to the prevailing established setback line in developed areas or the required setback line in undeveloped areas. In developed areas the prevailing setback line shall be determined by existing structures lying within 300 feet in either direction on the same side of the same street as the proposed parking lot. If the proposed parking lot lies at a street intersection, the prevailing established setback shall be determined for both the fronting street and any abutting side street in the same manner.
   (B)   Parking decks shall, to the maximum extent practicable, meet the design standards for buildings.
(2003 Code, § 8-3.8.52) (Updated 2009)