§ 8-3.8.4 Adult Establishments.
   (A)   No adult establishment shall be located within 1,000 feet (determined by a straight line and not street distance) of the closest boundary line of any Residential Zoning District or of any point on the closest property line of any church, school, day care, public park, residence or playground as measured by a horizontal straight line distance from the closest point on the closest boundary line of the property occupied by the adult establishment.
   (B)   No adult establishment shall be located within 1,000 feet (determined by a straight line and not street distance) of any other adult establishment as measured by a horizontal, straight line distance from the closest point on the closest boundary line of the property occupied by each.
   (C)   No more than one adult establishment may be located within the same structure.
   (D)   Mini-motion picture booths shall be constructed without doors and shall orient the customer entrance of each booth toward the principal sales counter.
   (E)   Patrons of adult establishments shall be separated from entertainers, performers or entertainment employees by a minimum of six feet.
   (F)   All performers or entertainment employees of adult establishments shall perform on and be limited to an elevated stage or platform, elevated from the main floor by at least three feet.
   (G)   No printed material, slide, video, photograph, written text, live show or other visual presentation shall be visible to the public or an adjacent property or use, nor shall any live or recorded voices, music or sounds be heard from outside the walls of the establishment.
   (H)   A licensed manager shall be on duty at all times
   (I)   Law enforcement personnel shall be given access to all public areas of the establishment at all times.
   (J)   An adult establishment shall not locate within a non-conforming structure or non-conforming property.
   (K)   The gross floor area of any adult establishment shall not exceed 5,000 square feet and all business related activity shall be conducted within the building.
   (L)   Enclosed or fenced parking shall be prohibited.
(2003 Code, § 8-3.8.4) (Updated 2009)