§ 8-3.7.5 Yard Designation.
   (A)   On lots which abut more than one street, the front of the lot shall be parallel to the more prominent street. Exceptions may be made to this rule by the Zoning Administrator based upon the arrangement of existing and proposed streets and drives and the orientation of buildings on adjoining lots. Where neither street is more prominent than the other, the Zoning Administrator shall decide which street shall be the front based upon these same criteria.
   (B)   Where multiple buildings are permitted on a single lot of record, each building shall generally front upon a pedestrian oriented street, either external or internal to the development; side and rear yard designations shall be determined on the basis of building orientation.
   (C)   On irregularly shaped lots, the location of required front, side and rear yards will be determined by the Zoning Administrator. The determination will be based on the spirit and intent of this article to achieve an appropriate spacing of buildings and orientation to the street(s).
(2003 Code, § 8-3.7.5) (Updated 2009)