§ 8-3.6.15 Removal of Discontinued Signs.
   It is the intent of this section to establish reasonable time periods for the removal of discontinued signs. For purposes of this section, all signs pertaining to a business, service, institution, industry or other activity that ceases operations shall be deemed to be discontinued signs. For purposes of this section, "ceases operations" shall be interpreted literally and to include cases where there is substantial evidence that a business or activity has vacated the building or grounds; provided, further, that, this section shall not apply to any case where a business or activity is temporarily suspended and there is evidence that the business or activity will resume operations within a specifically designated period. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner, the operator of a business or activity discontinuing a lease if any and the leasehold manager if any, for ensuring compliance with the provisions of this Section and each owner, operator or manager shall be considered individually responsible for compliance with this section.
   (A)   All discontinued signs, with the exception of pole signs and monument signs, shall be removed within ten days from the date of discontinuance. The town may permit an extension of this removal period only in cases where special equipment is needed to remove the sign and removal of the structure cannot reasonably be arranged by the sign owner within the ten-day time period.
   (B)   All discontinued signs that meet the definition of a pole sign shall be removed within 60 days from the date of discontinuance. The town may permit one 30-day extension of this removal period only in cases where special equipment is needed to remove the sign or sign structures and removal of the structure cannot reasonably be arranged by the sign owner within the 60-day time period.
   (C)   This Section shall not apply to the structure of a monument sign; provided that, it might reasonably be used by a future tenant or property owner, complies with the provisions of this article and is maintained in good condition; provided further, that the following shall be met:
      (1)   If a discontinued monument sign contains an message panel that is removable from the monument structure without disassembling the monument, then within 30 days of the date of discontinuance, the panel shall be removed and the portion of the monument structure that previously held the message panel shall be covered with durable cloth or canvas to avoid the appearance of blight, until the time as a new sign permit is applied for and granted and an approved sign panel is installed in the monument.
      (2)   If a discontinued monument sign contains a sign copy area that is not removable without disassembling the monument, then the sign copy area shall be modified (e.g., painted over) or covered with durable cloth or canvas so that the sign copy pertaining to the business or activity discontinued is no longer visible, until the time as a new sign permit is applied for and granted and approved sign copy is affixed on the sign copy area of the monument.
(2003 Code, § 8-3.6.15) (Updated 2009)