§ 8- Suspended Signs.
   (A)   Permit required: yes.
   (B)   Zoning Districts allowed:
      (1)   Neighborhood Center;
      (2)   Town Center;
      (3)   Highway Commercial; and
      (4)   Traditional Neighborhood Development.
   (C)   Sign height requirements: suspended signs height must be in accordance with the State of North Carolina Building Code. If there are no requirements for a prospective site, signs should hang no lower than at least seven feet above the ground.
   (D)   Number of signs permitted: maximum of one per store front.
   (E)   Sign area requirements: shall not exceed one-half the size of the nearest window or door on the same building or facade.
   (F)   Additional requirements: none.
This Suspended Sign is placed correctly in relation to
this storefront. It should help bring the attention of
pedestrian traffic without distracting motorist or blocking
other storefronts.
(2003 Code, § 8- (Updated 2009)