§ 8- Monument Signs.
   (A)   Permit required: yes.
   (B)   Zoning Districts allowed:
      (1)   Open Space Residential;
      (2)   General Residential;
      (3)   Neighborhood Residential;
      (4)   Neighborhood Center;
      (5)   Town Center;
      (6)   Highway Commercial;
      (7)   Traditional Neighborhood Development;
      (8)   Campus Institutional;
      (9)   Campus Business;
      (10)   Special Purpose;
      (11)   General Industrial; and
      (12)   Floodplain.
   (C)   Sign height requirements:
      (1)   Maximum of four feet in the Open Space Residential, General Residential, Neighborhood Residential, Neighborhood Center, Town Center, Traditional Neighborhood Development, Campus Institutional, Campus Business, Special Purpose, General Industrial and Floodplain Districts.
      (2)   Maximum of eight feet in the Highway Commercial District.
   (D)   Number of signs permitted: maximum of one per street front or development entrance.
   (E)   Sign area requirements:
      (1)   Maximum of 24 square feet in the Open Space Residential, General Residential, Neighborhood Residential, Neighborhood Center, Town Center and Floodplain Districts.
      (2)   Maximum of 32 square feet in the Highway Commercial, Traditional Neighborhood Development, Campus Institutional, Campus Business, Special Purpose and General Industrial Districts.
   (F)   Additional requirements:
      (1)   Monument signs may be internally illuminated, however, the sign copy should be the only portion of the sign face that is illuminated. The sign background or field should be opaque with a non-gloss, non-reflective finish. Signs with individual back-lit letters or stenciled panels with three dimensional push-through graphics are encouraged.
      (2)   The sign area and height of the sign should be in proportion to the site and surrounding buildings. Signs should not be overly large so as to be a dominant feature of the site.
      (3)   Monument signs should be placed perpendicular to the street.
Monument Signs should have a masonry base and, if desired, sides. This Monument Sign is a good example of using the proper materials.
      (4)   Monument signs should be placed so that sight lines at entry driveways and circulation aisles are not blocked.
      (5)   Monument signs should be designed to create visual interest and compliment their surroundings. Monument signs should incorporate architectural elements, details and articulation as follows:
         (a)   Provide architectural elements on the sides and top to frame the sign pane(s). Use columns, pilaster, cornices and similar details to provide design interest; and
         (b)   Incorporate materials and colors into the sign support structures to match or be compatible with materials and colors of the development the sign serves so it does not appear out of scale with its adjacent building(s).
      (6)   Monument signs shall incorporate landscaping at their base.
      (7)   Landscaping around monument signs should be designed to ensure the long-term readability of the sign.
The above photo shows an appropriate example of proper landscaping around and below a Monument Sign. The plants of choice here are low-lying and do not block the lettering of the sign.
The above photo shows an inappropriate example of landscaping around a Monument Sign. The plants of choice used here have grown taller than the lettering of the sign and it is now hard to see.
      (8)   (a)   Changeable copy and electronic message boards are allowed in non- residential districts, for non-residential uses and planned developments and for places of worship and institutional uses in any district.
         (b)   Schools and churches are permitted one freestanding sign containing a maximum display area 24 square feet, and one changeable copy electronic message sign, which does not exceed 24 square feet in display area, provided that total sign height does not exceed eight feet above ground level;
Proper Example of a Changeable Copy sign used by a popular restaurant to display a new product.
Changeable Copy signs placed on a wall are inappropriate unless the Town of Mocksville deems it appropriate.
   (G)   Additional requirements: electronic message boards shall be limited to text displays and subject to the following requirements.
      (1)   Electronic message boards may scroll.
      (2)   Electronic message boards may display text with either occulting lights or fixed lights.
      (3)   The transition from one image to the next must be accomplished in one second or less.
      (4)   Electronic message boards must be equipped with automatic dimming technology that automatically adjusts the display’s brightness based on ambient light conditions.
      (5)   Automatic timers are required. Hours that electronic message board must be turned off shall or remain static shall be between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., only date, time and temperature are allowed to be displayed.
      (6)   The transition from one image to the next must be accomplished in one second or less.
      (7)   There can only be one message at a time on the sign.
      (8)   Advertising messages or information shall remain in a fixed, static position for a minimum of three seconds.
      (9)   The sign shall not exceed a maximum illumination of 7,500 nits (candelas per square meter) during daylight hours, and a maximum illumination of 500 nits between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., as measured from the sign’s face at maximum brightness.
      (10)   The electronic message sign must be physically attached to the primary sign.
(2003 Code, § 8- (Updated 2009) (Amended 12-2-2014)