§ 8- Kiosk Signs.
   (A)   Permit required: yes.
   (B)   Zoning Districts allowed:
      (1)   Neighborhood Center;
      (2)   Town Center;
      (3)   Highway Commercial;
      (4)   Traditional Neighborhood Development;
      (5)   Campus Institutional;
      (6)   Campus Business;
      (7)   Special Purpose;
      (8)   General Industrial; and
      (9)   Floodplain.
   (C)   Sign height requirements:
      (1)   Maximum of six feet in the Neighborhood Center, Campus Institutional, Campus Business, Special Purpose, General Industrial and Floodplain Districts.
      (2)   Maximum of eight feet in the Town Center, Highway Commercial and Traditional Neighborhood Development Districts.
   (D)   Number of signs permitted: maximum of one.
   (E)   Sign area requirements: maximum of 24 square feet.
   (F)   Additional requirements:
      (1)   Kiosk signs must be placed in an on-premises and centrally located area.
      (2)   Signs should state the names and locations of businesses only.
(2003 Code, § 8- (Updated 2009)