The requirement that notice be given prior to the removal of an abandoned, nuisance or junked motor vehicle may, as determined by the authorized official, be omitted in those circumstances where there is a special need for prompt action to eliminate traffic obstructions or to otherwise maintain and protect the public safety and welfare. The findings shall, in all cases, be entered by the authorized official in the appropriate daily records. Circumstances justifying the removal of vehicles without prior notice include.
   (A)   Vehicles abandoned on the streets. For vehicles left on the public streets and highways, the Board of Commissioners hereby determines that the immediate removal of the vehicles may be warranted when they are:
      (1)   Obstructing traffic;
      (2)   Parked in violation of an article prohibiting or restricting parking;
      (3)   Parked in a no-stopping or standing zone;
      (4)   Parked in loading zones;
      (5)   Parked in bus zones; or
      (6)   Parked in violation of temporary parking restrictions.
   (B)   Other abandoned or nuisance vehicles. With respect to abandoned or nuisance vehicle left on town-owned property other than the streets or highways, and on private property, the vehicles may be removed without giving prior notice only in those circumstances where the authorized official finds a special need for prompt action to protect and maintain the public health, safety and welfare. By way of illustration and not of limitation, the circumstances include vehicles blocking or obstructing ingress or egress to businesses and residences, vehicles parked in a location or manner as to pose a traffic hazard, and vehicles causing damage to public or private property.
(2003 Code, § 5-6.8) (Adopted 3-6-2001)