§ 8-3.8.83 Meat Packing Plant.
   (A)   No structure shall be located within 200 feet of the closest point of any abutting property located in a Residential District or Mixed Use District.
   (B)   Fencing shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from public street rights-of-way and property lines.
      (1)   Fencing shall be a minimum of eight feet high and opaque.
   (C)   Meat packing plants shall be separated by a Type A landscape buffer from any abutting property located in a Residential or Mixed Use District.
   (D)   Concrete driveway aprons will be required at access points to town or NCDOT roads.
   (E)   Access drives/roads will be brought up to town and NCDOT standards by developer prior to meat packing plant operations beginning.
(Adopted 3-5-2024)