The City Administrator shall inspect or cause to be inspected any trees or shrubs in the City reported to or suspected to be dead, diseased or damaged.
1.   Tree Trimming. The owner or agent of the abutting property shall keep trees on, or overhanging the street, trimmed so that all branches will be at least fifteen (15) feet above the surface of the street and eight (8) feet above the sidewalks. If the abutting property owner fails to trim the trees, the City may serve notice on the abutting property owner requiring that such action be taken within fourteen (14) days. If such action is not taken within that time, the City may perform the required action and assess the costs against the abutting property owner for collection by that same processes as the City collects unpaid bills. The abutting property owner may be liable for damages caused by failure to properly maintain the publicly owned trees in the parking and the right-of-way.
2.   Tree Removal. If it is determined that any such conditions exist on any public property, including the strip between the curb and the lot line of private property, the City Administrator may cause any condition to be corrected by treatment or removal. The City Administrator may also order the removal of any trees on public property of the City which interfere with the making of improvements or with travel thereon.
Abutting property owners shall not be required to remove dead, diseased, or damaged trees on publicly owned property or right-of-way.