(A) Penalty for dangerous, potentially dangerous, and vicious animals violations shall be determined by official action(s) of the County Animal Control Officer.
(B) Penalties for rabies vaccination, stray animals and bitches at-large violations shall be determined by official action(s) of the County Animal Control Officer.
(C) If official complaints for at-large animals, nuisance and noisy animals, number/densities of animal, hog pens, fowls and hunting violations appear to exist, the hearing process for abatement nuisances, § 93.46 shall apply. Based upon the hearing, the town may impose upon the violator a civil penalty of $25 for the first offence. The penalty will double for each offence, thereafter, by the same animal owner: $25, $50, $100, $200, etc.
(Am. Ord. passed 11-12-2017; Am. Ord. passed 2024)