(a)   License applications shall be filed with the Police Chief or designee on a form to be furnished by the Police Chief or designee, containing:
      (1)   Entity/organization - name, address, telephone and fax numbers, website, federal tax ID number or EIN number, and nature of the entity/organization;
      (2)   Person filling out the form - legal name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, phone number, American government-issued photo ID (city, state or federal), brief description (weight, height), and signature;
      (3)   Additional peddlers and/or solicitors, including drivers - legal name, Social Security number, American government-issued photo ID (city, state or federal), signature, brief description;
      (4)   Vehicles - make, model, color, state of registration and license plate number of any and all vehicles involved in peddling and/or soliciting; evidence of insurance coverage against property damage and bodily injury occasioned by activities of the registrar, its agent(s) or employee(s), indemnifying the village; evidence that each person operating a vehicle has been licensed to operate such vehicle under the laws of a state of the United States and has a valid operators or chauffeurs license as required by law; and
      (5)    Such other information as the Police Chief or designee may require.
   (b)   Each peddler and/or solicitor shall carry a photocopy of the license, which shall be shown to any person or village official upon request, as shall be proof of identity.
   (c)   Licenses are not transferable. Any peddlers, solicitors, vehicles and/or change of sample to be added or substituted on behalf of the entity/organization shall necessitate an additional registration and license.
   (d)   Licenses shall automatically expire either on April 30 or October 31 of any calendar year.
   (e)   License applications shall be submitted on a business day at least 48 hours before the license is issued to allow time for the Police Chief or designee to conduct background check(s).
   (f)   If the Police Chief or designee determines after investigation that the information furnished under this section is correct, that the applicant proposes to engage in lawful commercial or professional enterprise, and that neither the applicant nor the enterprise upon which the applicant proposes to engage constitutes a clear and present danger to the residents of the village, the Police Chief or designee shall issue a license to the entity/organization.
   (g)   Such license shall not be used or represented in any way as an endorsement by the village.
   (h)   The fees charged by the village shall be set by Council through the passage of a fee schedule that may be amended from time to time, such fees to be deposited into the General Fund.
(Ord. 03-2008, passed 8-10-2009)