(a) The Village is desirous of keeping its streets, highways, alleys and public places free from blowing or falling debris, dust, soot or other aggregate substances that may be deposited on said streets, highways, alleys and public places by motor vehicles which have not taken the necessary precautions to prevent such occurrences.
(b) The Village does hereby require that all motor vehicles traveling streets, highways, alleys or other public places within the corporate limits of the Village when hauling dirt, coal, ashes, fly ash, gravel, sand, rubbish garbage, and other debris, or any other material which can fall or be blown from such vehicles onto the streets, highways, alleys, or other public places within the Village corporate limits, shall cover such vehicles with a tarpaulin or other cover which shall prevent any dust or any of the aforementioned materials from being dropped or blown from such vehicle.
(c) This section does not apply to any motor vehicle carrying aggregate material which does not exceed the height of the cargo box which contains such materials: i.e. truck carrying stone in a manner that the stone is not visible due to the fact that the sidewalls and tail gate of the truck have a height greater than the height of the loaded stone material which makes it impossible for the stone to fall from the truck.
(d) This section does not apply to any motor vehicle that is transporting materials which are to be used for the control of ice and snow.
(e) Violation of this section shall be deemed a minor misdemeanor and when found in violation of this section shall be fined not less than forty dollars ($40.00) and no more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus court costs per violation.
(Ord. 60-84. Passed 12-18-84.)