(a)   In lieu of overtime compensation, full time hourly employees who work at the request of their supervisor beyond their regular work week and work period may elect to receive compensatory (comp) time. Compensatory time will be provided on a time and one-half basis (i.e., one and one-half hours of comp time for each hour of overtime). No employee may accumulate in excess of 100 hours.
(Ord. 10-06. Passed 3-28-06.)
   (b)   Compensatory leave requests of one week must be made at least two weeks in advance in writing to the supervisor and further approved by the Administrator. Compensatory time requests of less than one week must be submitted within three days prior to the requested leave and receive approval from the supervisor and the Administrator. Compensatory time may not be taken with less than one full day increment. When the employment relationship is terminated, whether because of resignation, retirement, discharge, or death, the compensatory time bank will be cashed out and paid to the employee at the rate of pay the employee is earning on termination or the average rate of pay for the last three years of employment, whichever is greater.
(Ord. 2-88. Passed 2-9-88.)