(a)   No person shall hereafter plant, or remove, any tree or shrub upon any public way, street, alley, parks, or other property owned by the Municipality, unless he shall have first obtained a permit, in writing, from the Shade Tree Commission, specifying the size, type, species and location so to be planted.
   (b)   The Shade Tree Commission shall have the authority to deny a permit to any person who proposes to plant any tree or shrub, upon a public way, street, alley, parks, or other property owned by the Municipality of a size, type or species found by the Commission to be undesirable for the location proposed; or may deny a permit to any person who proposes to plant any tree or shrub upon a public way, street, alley, park or other property owned by the Municipality if at a location found by the Commission to be of a size or type unsuitable for planting of trees or shrubs.
   (c)   The Shade Tree Commission shall have the authority to deny a permit to any person who proposes to remove any tree or shrub upon a public way, street, alley, park, or other property owned by the Municipality when such removal does not benefit the preservation of public health, safety and welfare.
   (d)   Every permit issued by the Commission shall be in writing and shall describe the work to be done, specify the species or variety, size, nursery grade, location, briefly specify the method of planting, method of support and trimming of all trees or shrubs concerned, and contain a definite expiration date. Any permit may be declared void if its terms are violated.
   (e)   The Shade Tree Commission shall meet and render a decision on any permit application within fourteen days of receipt of the application by the Commission.
(Ord. 17-86. Passed 8-26-86.)