(a)   Portable Signs Prohibited. Portable or temporary signs are prohibited. Such sign types include but are not limited to:
      (1)   Any sign which is not permanently attached to a building or like structure, or which is permanently attached to the ground and is made in such a way as to be easily removed or transported for use in other places, and which indicates the name of a business or indicates the product, service or entertainment offered by a business or indicates the cost or price thereof, including any sign composed in whole or part of movable letters or temporary letters except as may be permitted under the provision of this chapter.
      (2)   Any sign painted on or displayed on vehicles or trailers parked in public or private places and utilized primarily for the purpose of advertising.
   (b)   Removal and Discontinuance of Use of Portable Signs. Portable or temporary signs in existence prior to the adoption of this chapter shall be removed within thirty days from receipt of notification from the Village upon adoption of this chapter. Failure to remove or discontinue the utilization of the portable sign within the thirty day time limitation will constitute a minor misdemeanor offense which shall carry with its penalties for each violation issued as described in Section 1335.04 (j).
   (c)   Exceptions; Portable Signs Permitted on a Temporary Basis. Portable signs may be utilized on a strictly temporary basis for special events, such as new business openings, special sales, special announcements, etc.
   (d)   Permits Required. Any person, firm, corporation or business desiring to utilize a portable sign on a temporary basis is required to obtain a sign permit.
      (1)   Application for portable sign permits shall be made on forms provided by the Village.
      (2)   The fee for portable sign permits shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00).
   (e)   Duration of Temporary Portable Sign Permits and Number of Single Permits Allowed Within a Twelve Month Period. Any person, firm, corporation, or business desiring to utilize a portable sign shall be permitted to do so for more than three times per year. Each permit shall be good for fourteen consecutive days. All temporary signs shall be removed immediately following the expiration date shown on the permit.
   (f)   Portable Sign Permits Cannot Be Acquired in Succession. No permits for portable signs can be obtained in succession. As such there shall be a twenty day waiting period between the issuing of a second permit and another twenty day painting period between the issuing of a third and final permit.
(Ord. 33-89. Passed 11-28-89.)