(a) Signs Permitted in all Zoning Districts.
(1) All signs not requiring a permit.
(2) Real estate signs, non-illuminated indicating the property is for sale, rent, or lease, provided such signs are located on the premises that are the subject of sale, rental, or lease. One real estate sign per lot, per street frontage, will be permitted. Premises with more than one street frontage shall be permitted one additional sign per street frontage. Real estate signs shall not exceed six square feet in sign area and shall be located three feet from the property line.
(3) Temporary construction/development signs, non-illuminated naming the project, developer, architect, etc., to be erected no more than forty five days. One construction sign shall be permitted per lot per street frontage of a construction or development project. Construction or development projects with more than one street frontage shall be permitted one additional sign per street frontage. Construction signs shall not exceed fifty square feet in sign area and ten feet in height and shall be set back at least ten feet from the established right of way.
(4) Directional signs on premises, not larger than eight square feet and bearing no advertising copy other than the name of the business. Such sign shall not be located closer than three feet from any right of way. Two directional signs, each not exceeding two square feet in area shall be permitted on the premises of any multi-family dwelling unit but not less than three feet from any lot line or street right of way.
(5) Political signs. Non-illuminated political signs erected on private property are permitted provided consent is obtained by the property owner. No political sign shall be erected in any public right of way or on any public property. Such sign shall not be erected more than sixty days prior to an election and shall be removed within fifteen days following an election. Political signs shall not exceed six square feet in sign area or six feet in height. Political signs in non-residential areas are permitted a maximum sign area of sixteen square feet. Such signs shall not be in any street right of way.
(6) Name plate, non-illuminated containing only the name of the resident, the title of the practicing profession, the name of the building or property, the name of the agent and the hours of the day in operation. Name plates shall be affixed flush against the building and shall not exceed two square feet in sign area.
(7) Traffic control or other identification signs, erected by the federal, state, county or village government.
(8) Garage, porch, basement or auction sale signs. Such signs shall be located only on the premises of the site of the sale unless specific approval is obtained by other property owners who may permit the location of such signs if they desire. No such signs shall be placed on public property or in any street right of way. Such signs shall not exceed six square feet in sign area and shall be located three feet back from any property line or street right of way. Such signs shall be taken down within three days after completion of a sale or auction.
(9) Memorial signs or tablet, historical placques, non-illuminating containing only wording associated with the commemeration. Such signs or placques shall be affixed to a permanent foundation. The sign area of such signs shall not exceed four square feet.
(10) Window signs. No special considerations.
(11) Holiday special events, declarations and temporary banners. Holiday/special event declarations and temporary banners for educational, religious, or public related functions are permitted on a temporary basis provided permission is obtained from the Village. Such signs shall not be erected more than seven days prior to such special event and shall be removed within seven days following such event.
(12) Governmental signs. Any sign required by the Village, County, State or Federal government for traffic control, or identification, or for direction to any public school, hospital, historical site, public service, property or facility as may be required. Governmental signs are permitted to be located within the public right of way insofar as they do not conflict with established State or local codes governing traffic control and public safety.
(13) Signs utilized by churches, synagogues, or civic organizations.
(b) Signs Permitted in Residential Districts Requiring a Permit R1, R2, and R3. The following signs are allowed within residential districts after first having a permit issued.
(1) All signs permitted under subsection (a) hereof.
(2) Subdivision identification signs, including apartments and condominium complexes, mobile home parks and estate identification signs. There shall be not more than one sign per entrance, not to exceed twenty square feet in sign area or eight fee in height. Such signs shall be located at least five feet from the established property line and shall in no way be installed in such a manner as to obstruct traffic visibility near entrances or at street corners.
(3) Bulletin boards for church, schools or public buildings. There shall be no more than one such sign per lot, except that on a corner two signs shall be permitted, one facing each street. No such sign shall exceed thirty-five square feet in sign area nor exceed a height of eight feet. No such sign shall be located nearer than ten feet from any property line and shall in no way be installed in such a manner as to obstruct traffic visibility near entrances or at street corners.
(4) Non residential identification signs. Non residential buildings such as medical or dental offices, churches, etc., etc. and approved legal home occupations are permitted a single identification sign (wall or ground) not exceeding thirty-two square feet in sign area or exceeding eight feet in height. Ground signs shall be located ten feet from the established property or right of way line. Exceptions: corner lots shall be permitted two signs, one facing each street.
* Special Regulations for Residential Zones are as follows:
(5) All allowed free standing signs shall have a maximum height limit of eight feet and shall have a setback of ten feet from any public right of way.
(c) Signs Permitted in Commercial/Business Districts Requiring a Permit B1 and B2.
(1) All signs permitted in subsection (a) hereof.
(2) One free standing sign of either the pole or ground sign variety.
A. Pole signs shall have a sign area not to exceed two square feet in sign area for each linear foot of lot frontage not to exceed 250 feet in sign area and forty feet in high. The minimum clearance of the sign (bottom of the sign face) shall be not less than eight feet above the sidewalk grade. The supporting base (pole/poles) of the sign shall be located at least five feet from the property line. No part of the sign shall project over the sidewalk or future sidewalk right of way, or into a designated street right of way nearer than two feet.
B. Ground signs shall have a sign area not to exceed fifty square feet and ten feet in height. Ground signs shall be located at least five feet from the property line or street right of way and shall only be permitted in such areas where traffic visibility is not impaired, including but not limited to, corner lots and safe ingress and egress from a building's parking area.
(3) One wall sign per occupancy, not to exceed four square feet in sign area for each linear foot of occupancy's building frontage. Wall signs shall be installed flat against the building and shall not project more than eight inches from the building.
(4) One projecting sign subject to the absolute projection of four feet from the building to which they are attached and two feet from any vehicular traffic right of way or sidewalk. The bottom portion of any projecting sign shall be at least eight feet above the established sidewalk grade.
(5) Incidental signs footage area to be deducted from the maximum limit of sign to which it is attached.
(6) Where an occupancy is on a corner or has more than one main street entrance, one wall sign and one additional free standing sign shall be permitted, the size of such additional signs shall not exceed the size of other permitted wall and free standing signs.
(7) Awning signs, one awning sign shall be permitted per business. The total area of the sign shall not exceed the length of the awning with a vertical dimension not exceeding twelve inches.
(8) Off premises billboard signs are permitted provided such sign does not exceed thirty-five square feet in sign area. Off premises signs shall be located at least ten feet from the established right of way or property line and shall in no manner impair traffic visibility. The landscape surrounding such sign shall be maintained to a distance of ten feet surrounding the sign. The back of all offsite signs, visible to the public shall be painted a neutral color as to blend in with the surrounding environment.
(d) Signs Permitted in Industrial District. All signs permitted in subsection (c) hereof.
(Ord. 33-89. Passed 11-28-89.)