(a) In all districts, in connection with every industrial, commercial, business, trade, institutional, recreational or dwelling use, and similar uses, space for parking and storage of vehicles shall have an area as defined in Section 1133.01(17) and shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule:
Automobile sales and service garages 100% of floor area Banks, business and professional offices, except medical and dental 100% of floor area Medical and dental offices 200% of floor area Bowling alleys 5 spaces for each alley Churches and schools 1 space for each 8 seats in a principal auditorium or 1 space for each 17 classroom seats, whichever is greater Dance halls, assembly halls 200% of floor area used for dancing or assembly Dwelling 2 parking spaces for each family or dwelling unit Funeral homes, mortuaries 4 spaces for each parlor or 1 space for each 50 sq. ft. parlor floor area, whichever is greater Furniture and appliance stores, household equipment or furniture repair, over 1,000 sq. ft. floor area 75% of floor area Hospitals 1 space for each 4 beds Hotels, lodging houses 1 space for each 2 bedrooms Manufacturing plants 1 space for each 4 employees on the maximum working shift or 25% of floor area, whichever is greater Restaurants, night clubs over 1,000 sq. ft. floor area 200% of floor area Retail stores, super markets, etc., over 2,000 sq. ft. floor area 200% of floor space Retail stores, shops, etc., under 2,000 sq. ft. floor area 100% of floor area Sports arena, auditoriums other than in schools 1 parking space for each 6 seats Theaters, assembly halls with fixed seats 1 parking space for each 6 seats Wholesale establishments or warehouses 1 space for each 2 employees or 10% of floor area, whichever is greater |
(b) In the case of any building, structure or premises, the use of which is not specifically mentioned herein, the provisions for a use which is so mentioned and to which such use if similar, shall apply.
(c) Except in the case of dwellings, no parking area provided hereunder shall be less than 1,000 square feet in area.
(d) Where a lot does not abut on a public or private alley or easement of access there shall be provided an access drive not less than eight feet in width in the case of a dwelling, and not less than eighteen feet in width in all other cases leading to the loading or unloading spaces and parking or storage areas required hereunder in such a manner as to secure the most appropriate development of the property in question, except where provided in connection with a use permitted in a residence district, such easement of access or access drive shall not be located in any residence district.
(e) Every parcel of land hereafter used as a public or private parking area, including a commercial parking lot, shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:
(1) Off-street parking areas, including commercial parking lots, for more than five vehicles shall be effectively screened on each side which adjoins or faces premises situated in any R District, or institutional premises, by a masonry wall and/or compact evergreen hedge. Such wall or hedge shall be not less than four feet or more than six feet in height and shall be maintained in good condition without any advertising thereon. The space between such wall or hedge and the side lot line of adjoining premises in any R District shall be maintained in good condition.
(2) Any off-street parking area, including any commercial parking lot, for more than five vehicles shall be surfaced with an asphaltic or Portland cement-type binder pavement so as to provide a durable and dustless surface, shall be so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the area, and shall be so arranged and marked as to provide for orderly and safe loading or unloading and parking and storage of self-propelled vehicles.
(3) Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking area, including any commercial parking lot, shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining premises in any R District.
(4) All entrances and exits to and from such area shall open on or lead directly to a major thoroughfare insofar as practicable.
(f) The Board of Zoning Appeals may also authorize, subject to the provisions of Section 1161.09(b), the establishment and operation of off-street parking areas in any A or R District that adjoins a B or M District, subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) It shall provide parking space for twenty-five or more self-propelled vehicles.
(2) Such parking shall be accessory to and for the use of one or more business or industrial establishments located in the adjoining B or M District.
(3) It shall be located on premises having an area of not less than 10,000 square feet, which shall abut at least fifty feet on a B or M District.
(4) Entrances and exits shall be located within the adjoining business or industrial districts.
(5) The application shall be accompanied by the names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the premises in question so they may be given the opportunity to be heard in connection with the consideration of such application.
(6) In addition to the above, the Board may prescribe further requirements or conditions deemed necessary or desirable in respect to surfacing, marking, lighting, wall, fencing or planting for protection of the adjacent property.
(7) A zoning certificate issued for such accessory parking areas under the above provisions shall be revocable, subject to continued compliance with the requirements and conditions.
(Ord. 11-71. Passed 5-25-71.)