(a)   No person shall disturb the peace and good order in the Parks by fighting, quarreling, or wrangling with loud voices or shouts, threatening violence to the person or property of others, or engaging in riotous clamor or tumult.
   (b)   No person shall collect in bodies or crowds for unlawful purposes or in riotous assembly or intending to annoy, harass, or inflict property damage or bodily injury upon another person or persons.
   (c)   No persons shall beg, hawk, peddle, or solicit within the Parks without permission of the Minerva Park, Recreation and Cemetery Committee.
   (d)   No person shall willfully assault or commit bodily injury upon another while in the Parks or be engaged in, or abet or aid in any fight, quarrel, or other disturbance.
   (e)   No person shall drink, sell, possess or offer for sale any beer or intoxicating liquor, or be under the influence of liquor within the Parks. The terms beer or intoxicating liquor shall include any drink containing any alcohol whatsoever. The exception to this would be the Community Building.
   (f)   No person, except police officers or other law enforcement officers shall have, carry, or use any pistol, switchblade, hunting knife, dagger, metal knuckles, slingshot, air rifle, or other dangerous weapons while in the Parks.
   (g)   No persons shall use obscene, profane or abusive language while in the Parks.
   (h)   No person shall loiter in or near toilet buildings.
   (i)   No persons, except park maintenance employees on duty, or police shall enter the toilet rooms set aside for the opposite sex.
   (j)   Whoever violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor in the fourth degree.
(Ord. 53-84. Passed 11-13-84.)